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Everything posted by coloradoguy75

  1. Other Hobby Sites

    Ok, this is purely out of curiosity. I tend to stick to TOB and P411 for my hobby adventures. I have looked at ECCIE in the past and have even posted there, but that is it. All my appointments I have made tend to be through TOB or P411. What other sites are guys and gals using? Any I have stumbled on seem to be rife with fake ads.
  2. Asking about the Menu

    So, before setting an appointment with a new lady I really try my best to research her to get an idea of her potential menu via reviews. This used to be a much easier task, nowadays not as much. Do any of you ask about the menu during the setup of the appointment? I typically do not ask as I am sure some ladies might be sensitive to this. I will often ask if they are GFE, but this has different meanings to different ladies. It just depends on them, DATY for example may not be part of their GFE menu. What would be the best way to ask about menu? I asked one lady, after screening and setting the appointment, she went silent and I never heard back from her, and yes, no appointment. I obviously spooked her. I have been disappointed in the menu on several occasions, so I am wanting to know upfront is possible. Just curious as to the general though on this is. Be blessed.
  3. Other Hobby Sites

    Thanks for sharing! I am taking a look as I type this!
  4. Other Hobby Sites

    Thanks everyone for the feedback! I am taking a close look at Tryst, looks like it may be a good alternative!
  5. Quick note and goodbye

    Wishing the best of luck in your new adventures, be safe!
  6. Well, It finally happened

    Well, that sucks! Sorry to hear!
  7. Serendipity happened today.

    Glad it worked out for you, but I would likely not have done that.
  8. Skip the games

    Lots of scammers out there. I prefer to stick to TOB and P411....lots of beautiful ladies here!
  9. Should I stick to one provider?

    Man, this is a hard one for me. I like to really get to know some as this can improve the connection, but there are just so many beautiful ladies out there its hard not to want to look elsewhere!
  10. Asking about the Menu

    Reviews used to be the way to go, no doubt, but today TOB for example has watered down the reviews so that very little is known about the activities performed. Reviews are not as helpful as they once where.
  11. Asking about the Menu

    Reviews used to be the way to go, no doubt, but today TOB for example has watered down the reviews so little is known about the activities. I now try contacting others directly via PM who have seen the lady I am interested in. This is a slow process and does not always help. Some ladies have few reviews, this makes things harder still. Some ladies have personal sites, but understandable say nothing about activities or menu.
  12. What going on

  13. More zero reviews aging up

    No reviews and outcall only, not for me.... Its usually fake or an up-sell situation. I was caught once, in Vegas (surprise) back when I did not know better. All ladies start with no reviews, but the genuine ones will learn what the system is here, participate in the forums etc. Its often easy to see who is fake and who is just starting off.
  14. New to Denver - Howdy from Texas!

    Welcome to Denver! I hope you get to visit some of the state! Would be lovely to see you in Colorado Springs!
  15. Photos for the rest of us ladies.

    Pro pictures are fine, but for me cellphone snaps and selfies are far better. Body and face ( or part of for privacy ). Dani, yours are actually pretty good pictures! Overly Photoshopped pictures are obvious and not helpful.... I like pictures that show who you really are, I am much more likely to visit someone who will actually look like the person in the pictures. I have had some horror stories in the past. The more pictures the better. One or two is not helpful in making a choice.
  16. Vegas trip whats the best board for Vegas provider listings

    Not until the first week in October.
  17. Hello folks I have an up coming trip to Vegas. Thought about hobbying while there. What is the best board or site for reliable Vegas providers? There are very few on TOB for Vegas. Most other look suspect at best. Lots of fakes. Thanks
  18. Vegas trip whats the best board for Vegas provider listings

    Interesting! Was it a bait and switch scam or worse?
  19. Vegas trip whats the best board for Vegas provider listings

    Thanks, good advice! There are way to many "to good to be true" listings that I have come across... Seems everyone is a 10 out of 10 model.
  20. Vegas trip whats the best board for Vegas provider listings

    Thanks for the input. I contacted a few ladies just to get a feel for the setup and screening process..... There is none, it was a case of " When, where and what's your room number" Scary! Either they are fake or are taking big risks. No screening seems odd to me.
  21. Vegas trip whats the best board for Vegas provider listings

    Hahaha.... I totally forgot about that, and guaranteed....I'm set!
  22. Vegas trip whats the best board for Vegas provider listings

    Hahaha.... I totally forgot about that, and guaranteed....I'm set!
  23. New client trying to join community

    Welcome. There is not much I can add to what has already been said. I chose to use P411. Its a great verification service but also lists providers ads (for now). There are several providers that are newbie friendly on P411. Many more require "okays" on that site, and even references. I found one beautiful lady that was newbie friendly. She was offering a lunch special, lunch and a private visit. As already said, politeness and respect go along way. TOB is a great community, you are in the correct place.
  24. 411 Jayden

    I have not seen her, but she is legit!