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Everything posted by johnnybgood

  1. What's your fantasy?

    Spending an entire weekend with you!

    It's happening because the courts don't want to mess around with it, catch and release no charges! See crime is going down!
  3. Time off from work?

    I was fortunate enough when I was off from work I never thought about work. A regular day off or vacation it didn't matter ( also made very good money) but I have 2 very close friends who are "never" off work, they are married to their phone for work purposes weather we travel to Vegas for some fun or on the Golf Course for the day. One of my friends even had to answer a business call during a wedding we had attended together. We do what we have to do to get by in this world and each of our work/private life balances will be different but each reward is differently as well. When I was on the clock their were no 2 hour breaks for lunch or a Dr appointments. So to end my 2 cents, I'd just say don't be looking on the other side of the fence too often, do what you do best make the money however you can and plan for retirement every day because it comes up faster than imagined.
  4. JEESH

    I taught my kids (x4) before they could drive a car on their own they had to be able to jump start the car, add oil/windshield fluid/antifreeze etc, change a tire and check air pressure in tires and be able to fill. Also taught them that the 1/4 mark on the gas gauge meant it was time to head to gas station.
  5. Ally, tryst

    Run and hide!
  6. 411 on Briar in COS

    25% deposit stops me cold!
  7. PROS and CONS of TOB

    TOB is good for what it is, solid choice and local but I still believe p411 is better for the traveling ladies (many more choices) but I like using them all. PD is also growing with some great providers as well.
  8. Not another rate thread

    I hear what Stevie is saying it's just not going to happen up front in my opinion, I've had multiple ladies offer me discounts after they've raised their rates over time but keep our rate the same (grandfathered in) and it was immensely appreciated and it kept me coming back over and over. Also had ladies offer me extras after session to not kick me out the door (dinner, baths or cuddle time) again very appreciated. I've learned those situations are few and far between and need to be allowed to happen instead of expecting it to happen just as the YMMV circumstances in a session. It's all about chemistry and what the ladies are comfortable with. To all the ladies I've met over the years THANK YOU for every minute you've shared with me, it's made me a better man!
  9. Is Tryst taking over?

    Indeed, I've met some wonderful ladies on Tryst as well as Private Delights and P411. Using all of them really opens us up to the traveling ladies more than just TOB. Still have to do you due diligence to be sure you're seeing who you expect to be seeing...
  10. I second that, whoever doesn't accept cash doesn't see my business!
  11. Ummmm ....... I'll pass.

    I'll pass on the AI bs, that's why the review process is as it is. Not the person in the photos I'll pass and review to indicate as much.
  12. 212-509-2110 Colorado Companion Caught her on TER with 6 new recent reviews all spectacular but then noticed all are first time reviewers. Red flags are waving but has a website as well so I'm hoping someone has more info about this beauty.... Last pic on her site looks familiar, any help appreciated.
  13. 411 on Nikki Nichole

    I think this is why these forums have taken a turn to silence, nobody can ask a question on here without ALL the pros coming out and kicking dirt in their face, lots of assumptions by you how about going back to basics to what our parents taught us! "If you don't have something nice to say then don't say nothing". You will be gone soon and these "newbies" will be running the show so let's teach them common courtesy instead of hate!
  14. Haircuts?

    Ok tob, I'm looking at getting a haircut this week, 2 weeks over due. Are there any ladies on here that provide hair care? Let me know, send me a PM on TOB. Thanks!
  15. Yellowstone is back!!!

    Best show on TV!
  16. Ms. Torrington

    sign me up!
  17. Adrianna Marie Colorado Companion Anyone have some info on this beautiful lady?
  18. 411 on Emmeline Positano

    Her TER link....
  19. 411 on mskali66

    Aurora 469-271-3857 Colorado Companion anyone have any info on this lady, she seems to be on many sites out there but no reviews and all pics all come back to her advertising.
  20. Rip off artists

    Agree with the owl here, get a review written ASAP, you could be saving the next victim.
  21. Trust No One

    I sure don't understand why you can't just tell the community who this scumbag is, we have our way of leaving a review of any bad behavior on your part so why can't you? Come on TOB help this lady out here.
  22. 411 on mskali66

    Thanks MM and ILW, my big head was saying the same thing but the little head kept pulling me toward her...
  23. Tell me about money

    Ok DJ, you ask for specifics I'll honestly do my best.... 1) prioritize your spending 2) save! 3) if you work 40hrs a week, work 45 or 50! 4) if extra hours aren't available at your job get a second 40 years I've NEVER not been able to find some work somewhere! These ladies earn every dollar they get and then some, we all look for a bargain its human nature, if their price is out of your budget move on or better yet save up till you can afford their luxury service.
  24. Tell me about money

    I think that is why DTC is so popular because the prices per night are very reasonable with many rooms under $100 per night, even the Sheridan in DTC is only $120 per night and is a great location, but back to the original post for us guys about the cost vs value and are we all lawyers or high tech guys or what, I can promise you that I am none of the above but I do have a set amount per month I use for this entertainment. I know some guys who drop $500 for a night going down to see an AVS game or Broncos game, I don't do either because I'd rather be in the arms of one of these lovely ladies for an hour or so. But to each his own, some like their 75 inch TVs or 80K Tesla's, again I have neither...But I do have some wonderful ladies I meet on a regular basis because they are my Tesla or 75in TV at least for that hour or so!
  25. Happy April Fools Day!

    Anyone get pranked good today?