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Everything posted by Dweller201

  1. Open Minded????

    My mind is very open. I recall an old gf asking what my fantasy was, she said she wouldn't get angry and was open minded. I told her my fantasy and she wouldn't talk to me for a week. I suggesting asking these women what they want to hear because I doubt they're as open as some.
  2. Good Read.

    I don't care about prostitutes, and I've said here many times, I think they're more honest in their behavior that regular people. What I think is a heinous and destructive social force, for women, and WAY more for women in it, is porn. Doing porn is one of the most insane choices a woman could make. It is not secret, and with the actions of our board members, but it is OUT THERE and maybe eternal. A woman who gets into porn runs the risk of everyone in the future watching them, future non-porn employers, potential husbands, and even future kids. What a girl does at 20 may have nothing to do with their desires at 30, but people will always treat her like the porn she did at 20. Not knowing that at this point and getting into porn speaks to a might odd personality.
  3. Good Read.

    That analogy is incorrect. What you're saying is for a "slut" (as an insult) versus a guy who is like James Bond. That is unfair because women have one standard and men another, for some people. I new a guy who worked his way through LAW SCHOOL, of all things, selling illegal substances. That is closer to what this story is about. The problem is that she's doing something at odds with school. Now, it's highly unlikely that she will escape what she did publicly. Every place I've worked did background checks, internet searches, facebook, etc searches and they did not want anyone with immoral behavior that could be detected. Would I give her a chance, I'm exactly the person who would, but would most, hell no, they will laugh at her when she leaves the office.
  4. Good Read.

    God, on a completely unrelated forum, about fitness, I saw this girl was on the the video site, Facialabuse. I can't watch that crap but I'm sure it's a wonderful resume builder when she gets that first big break in the intellectual world! Maybe I was being too harsh.
  5. Good Read.

    Friend, she was arrogant lecturing me on terms she has no idea about, so stop. Meanwhile, if you needed lawyer, and you asked what her background was, and she said "porn actress" you would be headed out the door looking for one whose dad was a lawyer and grew up in it. If you really need something done, you want an expert with good character in your corner.
  6. Good Read.

    Meanwhile, you just gave me phone advice. And, some people ARE better than others regarding things like skill and interest level. We just had the Olympics, for example. There are better accountants, doctors, dentists, etc than others. That's what this topic is about. And, you must be quite a piece of work if nothing I've said sounds like it comes from a "real" person.
  7. My phone solution

    Thanks, I'll look that up.
  8. My phone solution

    Can you access the internet with that type of phone? Like you're on the move and need directions, dose that brand of phone provide that service?
  9. Good Read.

    Dude, you love to correct me on things you know nothing about. The DSM term was Mental Retardation, until this year. Now, it's Intellectually Disabled. For decades it was Mental Retardation, when I was working with them, they were Mentally Retarded clients. I was an MR Specialist. Get a couple of advanced psych degrees, then we can talk. College: Going to college is about being a scholar. A scholar is a person VERY interested in their subject because when they come out of school, they claim to be an expert and should be. I worked my way up from the ground floor and know just about everything in psychology because I did everything from bottom to top. A hustler is someone who wants money, a "dope fien(d)", as they say in Philly, and shortcuts their way into positions where they can get it, but do a shit job because they aren't a scholarly type. A person like her will get her degree, but she hasn't put in the practical work, because she was hustling for quick cash. So, when someone needs her to be an expert in her field, she'll have to fake the game and do a shit job. The old definition of a "moron", an actual psych term, is a person who looks good but is actually a stupid hustler type. Hire them and they will fuck up your industry because they aren't a responsible type of person with insight into their own behavior. A woman like her doesn't think she needs to immerse herself in her subject. And, she might get in your business and fuck her way around like an animal, so she fits the definition of a "moron" and that's why employers use psych testing to determine that. Psych testing was invented to detect morons in the workplace. So, it is in FACT YOU who does not like strong motivated women. She is neither. She is weak, lacks direction, lacks insight, lacks longterm thinking as she will have to deal with this forever, and is not interested in the degree she claims to be. I'd also lay a bet she never completes college, as well.
  10. Sadly, Ted was a very handsome dude! I wonder why the face pic? Some people find obese people gross, or certain races, but who knows! in4answers.
  11. Trying to Quit

    Quitting is impossible IF YOU LOVE DOING SOMETHING. As I'm sure you know from your addiction adventures, people need to "hit bottom" which means finally learn that their behavior is negative. If they don't learn that why should they quit?
  12. Getting emotionally hurt by a provider

    Nicely written and all true. I'm a very confident guy and look like HHH the professional wrestler. No one has ever messed with me and they're very wise not to. However, I recently met this woman at a bar, like a few months ago, and she did the biggest mind fuck on me that anyone ever has. I knew it was coming from the time I met her, but she got me to believe it wasn't, then actually got me twice!! It was one of those puzzling, why did this happen to me, kind of things. Confidence SHAKEN and I'm finding myself jumpy around women and I never have been in my life. So, even the strongest man can get fucked up by a tiny little nothing of a woman.
  13. Trying to Quit

    Well, it's illegal and seeing hookers is contrary to family life, expensive, etc and it's going to impact your life. BUT, do you enjoy it! I've given questionnaires to therapy patients about drug use and criminals behavior. All the questions rest on what's called "bourgeois values" which means the shallow and narrow requirements set by the nervous middle class. I'd assume that anyone seeing escorts doesn't care about the legality of it, the impact it has on relationships, and other bs. They want to enjoy a sexual experience and don't care what society tells them to do. A person like that is not in bourgeois life, even if they seem to be to others, but rather they're more like a swashbuckler, an adventurer. You have to ask yourself who you are, are you really the middle class guy, or someone else.
  14. Trying to Quit

    Dude, I've been a psychotherapist for over twenty years and worked in addiction for a good part of that. I wrote the relapse prevention policy for the state of Pennsylvania that cover all of their programs. And, I worked with sex offenders for a good amount of time, and that's handled kind of like an addiction. I know all about the psychology of addicts, probably more than an addict does. Any addict can quit any addiction instantly and I've known many that have. If you can't, it means you LIKE your addiction and don't want to stop. But, as I've said, many are scared to be who they are and do what they want, so the continuously lie and say they want to quit, etc. It's the mentality of a little kids who lies to mom but then does what they want, gets in trouble, lies again, and so on. Many addicts come from chaotic families that taught them to lie, stressed them out, encouraged more lying and so on. Bottomline, if you want to quit, you will. If you enjoy hookers, doing clandestine things, getting chased by pimps, etc, then enjoy it, BECAUSE YOU DO. You're Jack Sparrow, not Clark Kent! YOLO.
  15. Getting emotionally hurt by a provider

    I used to work with criminals in Philly. I met numerous guys who stabbed or slashed hookers for either commenting on penis size of making fun of them if they couldn't get an erection. That's why I wrote the post I did. Philly people are VERY rough and many would think nothing over going to prison over attacking a person who insulted them. That's a way to discharge your anger, certainly. However, a "nice" person might get insulted, not discharge their anger, only to have it eat them up because they believe the insult.
  16. Trying to Quit

    Actions speak louder that words. If you're doing something, you want to do it. If you really don't like something, you will not be doing it. There's lots of drunks and drug addicts who say they don't like it, don't want it, and then they go right back to using. That's because they love getting high but are conditioned by society to say they don't like it. In psychology that's called "neurotic behavior" where you say the exact opposite of what you like. You complain about things you really like and so on. One solution to that is to just admit that you like X and enjoy it. We do not do things we hate and object to, so if you're doing something, do say you hate because you don't.
  17. If you think it's BS, then say why. I've been following Russian news for years and years. I've also known a lot of people from Eastern Europe and have relatives there. Also, I saw you and wrote a review, so I'm not "donny" whoever the hell that is.
  18. Getting emotionally hurt by a provider

    I think the type of hurt matters. Did she say something you believe like, "You've got a tiny dick," or that you're massively ugly? I ask because if you believe what was said and it made you feel inferior, because you ARE or believe you are, then that will stick with you. If the hurt was based on something absurd that you know isn't true, then you're being neurotic. My opinion: I've known some ugly dudes, who ejaculate in ten seconds, have tiny Irish curse wedding tackle, etc who landed beautiful women. Many women actually enjoy being with an inferior man because it makes them feel superior, which is a key element to many women's psychology. If you have some kind of problem, a lot of times just saying it will clear the air. In Othello, by Shakespeare, one character wanted a female character and asked his buddy how to do it. His buddy said, Fill your purse my friend, fill your purse. Meaning, the secret to getting most women is to be wealthy. You can have a micro dick and still get the girl! If what she said wasn't true, stop being a child dwelling on it.
  19. Correct. I just saw a Russian official talking about this issue, the overall issue, on TV the other day. He noted that after communism there was a moral vacuum in the country. That resulted in very high crime, immoral behavior, and so on. He stated that the policy in the country is to promote traditional values, so there you go. I've watched RT News for years and there's lots of stories about what they consider American style degradation. And, Putin has mentioned this MANY times. He doesn't want American Jews or any other type of business doing anything in his country. And, my background is Eastern European so I know all about the culture. Generally, Eastern Europeans are very strict, stoic, honor oriented, and believes that "fun" is evil. It is sometimes, but I largely disagree, but I understand where they're coming from. As I've said, I believe most men today have no code of ethics and no honor, and that is different from when I was younger.
  20. Hmmm...I view this as an interesting and serious discussion. American society isn't the only one that exists and our typical values aren't the only ones that exist. Many Americans don't realize that they live in a unique place and time that isn't the only place and time.
  21. Sure. But, I'm being serious. I'm sure they look at "panties" as a gateway. Panties are a kind of "fetish" item and that leads to objectification of women. When you have that at play, then you get men and women not caring about each other, as we have in the US. When that happens, then men and women don't cherish each other, then you have divorces, sad abandoned children, and so on. I always say that the average American male would fuck their mom in the ass on TV for the right amount of money. When I was a kid, that wouldn't happen, but today you can bet dudes would be lined up to be the one. It seems to me that every evil thing starts out small. Eastern Europeans have some of the highest IQs and I'll bet they see things coming, as I do.
  22. What does that reference mean? Curious! Meanwhile, porn is largely controlled by a single group of people. In addition, it's a massive investment issue for rich people. After 911, I was watching Neal Cavuto, who I hate with a passion, and one of his guests suggested investing in "booze, porn, and cigarette" as their consumption would go up due to national depression. Rich people in the US know they will make money off of you being depressed about life. They don't need a 911 to do that because the way our society is set up, most people are having daily 911s. It's my understanding that Russia would like to have a more ordered and less miserable society. I don't know if that will happen but I know they try very hard to keep the US groups of people that love to create misery out of their country.
  23. Actually, I think they've had a resurgence of religion in their country. Their version of communism was very pro-female, regarding work, and I'm pretty sure that, across all of Eastern Europe, flew in the face of their traditional religious beliefs. Anyway, in Russian news sources I see a lot of religious stuff of a very traditional nature. The US during my life, which is approaching half a century, has gone from being fairly orderly with people having some honor and knowledge of values to Romanesque chaos. I don't look my age and can easily hang out with younger people. The ones I've met in Colorado have NO IDEA about anything morale, ethical, and they have no clue about honor. Their behavior is focused on stealing, fucking, having no loyalty in their relationships, and so on. All of that starts with little things. This is OK, that's OK, and before you know it, you've got an out of control society basically run by those who made it go out of control. If you've ever read 1984 by Orwell, you'll know that porn, etc was used to control the working class by distracting them from their lives. I believe rich people, basically a cult in the US, control porn and use it to destabilize the country for their benefit. I've been following developments in Russia for years and I believe guys like Putin know what happened in the US and so they know who to get rid of in their country.
  24. Now I know these are fake pics in this ad...

    Those photos are of a girl named Angie Verona. You won't be see her, so why are you interested.
  25. For real, they're trying to stop from becoming America. I don't know the rationale behind this law, but I know Russia is trying to keep the element in the US that creates chaos out of their country.