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About roosterman88

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  1. New to Hobby question

    Yep, used 411, perhaps she is out of town or retired
  2. New to Hobby question

    Thanks all
  3. New to Hobby question

    Thanks Gina, have OK needed, will give it another day and send PM.
  4. New to Hobby question

    If I make a request to a provider on P411, how long should I wait for an answer before I imagine that there is either no interest in meeting or provider is not answering email for another reason? Thanks
  5. Being a newbie, is it safe to assume a provider is bonafide if she has a 411 account with at least 20 OKs given or should I do more research? (ie. does not have an OB account) Thanks for help.
  6. Anyone visited this lady?

    Thanks all for the input... I also doubt things are done willy nilly here.
  7. Anyone visited this lady?

    Was considering but the BANNED worries me...may move on.
  8. Anyone visited this lady?

    Would it be ok to state a reason for the BANNED status. If not, all is good.
  9. yoursavannahgrace 214-293-0086 Colorado Companion Can anyone give me feedback on this lady? She is on 411 ID P245998. Thanks
  10. Consumer Review - $29.95 Burner Phone

    Am a newbie and it was my understanding that your name and number is required by the person you are calling or they just hang up. The ZTE Majesty Pro I bought does not have this capability. When a call is made P## is shown on the receivers side. Will this be a problem. BTW, hi all first post.
  11. review details

    Is there a reason that reviews are no longer on site? I can only see info on reviewer not the comments on the lady being reviewed.