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Everything posted by ilovewomen

  1. Should Have Been a Cowboy

    I got my dates mixed a little bit. Yesterday was his birthday. 62 years old. So young.
  2. RIP Carl Weathers

    I haven’t watched any of the mandalorian. I’m sure he’s been in other projects I haven’t seen.
  3. RIP Carl Weathers

    I forgot about Predator and Happy Gilmore.
  4. RIP Carl Weathers

    He was great in the Rocky franchise. I remember seeing him in some other movies. He never got another role that was suitable for him. Long live Apollo Creed.
  5. 411: BrittWatersxoxo

    What makes you suspicious?
  6. Hot Blonde Sweetheart

    Her ad says she offers tantric sessions. If you’re familiar with Tantra, then you can figure on basically a sensuous massage with breathing techniques…all for a minimum $400 for a 1 hour appointment.
  7. Air Fryer Recommendations

    Thank you everyone who has replied. I was leaning towards an air fryer oven with double doors. The decision on what to get was taken out of my hands yesterday by my wife ordering an 8qt double basket air fryer from WalMart at what I consider an inflated price. I had seen models in Amazon and Kohl’s websites with lower pricing than what she paid. We’ll see how it goes. Again, thanks everyone for your input.
  8. Why is uber "better" than a taxi?

    Uber and Lyft run background and driving records checks on all drivers once a year. Additionally, once a week when I log into Uber to drive, I have to take a picture and submit it before I can go online to drive.
  9. New guy

    I don’t think you’re going to have a lot of luck in getting reputable ladies to respond to this post by you providing this description of yourself. Try reaching out to a couple of the ladies in their listings and you may have more luck in finding some companionship.
  10. P411 Scammer

    Definitely post a “ripoff” review so that others can be aware of her. FYI, she will be given a chance at a rebuttal.
  11. Johns Report Posting

    I’ve never heard of “The John’s Report”. There one or two national sites the ladies can use to report bad clients but I think it takes more than a lady saying you are a time waster to go on the list. Are you or have you been a time waster? There is more to this story than what you have posted. Provide us more details of how and why you are being accused of a time waster.
  12. RIP Joyce Randolph

    What memories of watching The Honeymooners. Great entertainment!
  13. 3 days in....

    So sorry to hear about this. Not a good way to start the year. Hope you keep a smile on. If you need to talk, you know how to reach me.
  14. Starsky & Hutch

    David Soul…Hutch….from Starsky & Hutch passed away yesterday. I used to watch that show all the time.
  15. Happy Thanksgiving

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Hope everyone has a great day and eats lots of turkey or what ever you prefer to eat today.
  16. Tommy Smothers

    I just heard today that Tommy Smothers passed on Dec 26th from cancer. I loved watching the Smothers Brothers back in the 60’s. RIP Tommy!
  17. Want a better retirement?

    You are out trolling our resident troll. Do you know why I’m saying you’re being a troll? You can’t accept the fact and respect Sparky’s support and preference for unions in the workplace. His opinion is different from you. Just accept it.
  18. 411 on Heidi

    You play with STG, you get burned. Be forewarned.
  19. Want a better retirement?

    Nahhh, you’re being a troll.
  20. Want a better retirement?

    Easy to break, huh? Is that why the NLRB has rules that when Starbucks closed a store right after it unionized, the closure was ILLEGAL, the store had to re-open and all workers had to be paid back wages? We all know your opinion about unions. We all know about Sparky’s opinions on unions. How about you stop posting about unions and just respect Sparky’s option just like he will respect your opinion? Or better still, how about we all acknowledge that everyone has an opinion and even though it disagrees with our own opinion, they have right to their opinion and they should be respected.
  21. 411 on Blair Banks

    Sorry this happened to you. What happened is a prime reason to stay away from STG.
  22. That One Sting

    Sounds like the un-named hobbyist was doing due diligence and recon before meeting a new lady. Wise hobbyist. Always recon when meeting someone new.
  23. Want a better retirement?

    If you feel the need to state your net worth, IT IS BRAGGING. And none of us could care less what your net worth is today, tomorrow or 10 years from now. What we care about is your personality. So far it sucks. As far as saying you are “calling a union supporter what they are”…it just goes to show what your personality really is and a complete and total lack of respect for your fellow human being. There is absolutely no need to call someone a name just because they believe in something different than what you believe in. That’s what an insecure child or bully does.
  24. Want a better retirement?

    Bragging about you supposed net worth and future net worth? BFD. You’re not impressing anyone. While I don’t care to be in a union (I became management), you are out of line degrading someone who strongly believes in unions.
  25. OH YEAH!

    Great post Sparky! Here’s hoping everybody has a fantastic weekend.