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Everything posted by harpo

  1. hope the photo is there .
  2. In my dreams !

    You are the only one who understand me. So when I will have the pleasure of meeting you 2fake ?
  3. In my dreams !

    Justina....I have never met you but I have great respect for you . If 2BIG or somebody like him said that , I understand but not you .
  4. Resemblance is amazing ! http://www.youporn.com/watch/9752973/castingcouch-hd-com-sally-19-and-innocent/
  5. GREEK: GFE or PSE?

    It is a day to remember ! I like what 2 Big said...it is funny and not hurting anybody. I feel that peace can achieve in this world.
  6. GREEK: GFE or PSE?

    I met a tourist in Europe who didn't have pussy sex for 2 years . conclusion : anal can be GFE.
  7. 52 : Careful... no cum in my eye...it did happen before and it is fucking burning sensation. 53: I am glad he is vegetarian.
  8. Inspiring to be .....

    The ones who would believe her are the ones who are good candidates for buying the Brooklyn Bridge lol .
  9. Inspiring to be .....

    Some respond to my CL post that they are willing but in need and they are not pro . I never responded to these replies. Any experience ? Please share .
  10. 411 on Jewels

    the third number is .....
  11. Another good reason to become a lesbian.
  12. 3. Breathe through your nose, idiot Eccuse my ignorance... Why ? 8. If you touch my head one more time, I?m going to f*cking kill you. Women did that to me and I didn't complain. 16. Jesus, Kristin, be careful of teeth. I have never asked...how women (or gay men ) are able to cover their teeth ! seriously how ? 29. Who was the first person to ever do this? Eve ! that is why Adam ate the fucking apple !
  13. Maybe (truenudists.com) worth a try .
  14. Escort on linkedin.....never heard of it. I am on FT and I have seen plenty who asked for compensation in return for (activities)....never tried any...I do have friends on FT who are well known in the local scene .
  15. https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/pornhub-space-program-sexploration#/story (With some help from our generous fan base and extended community, we can all make this happen. Our work is definitely cut out for us. We need to train and outfit our crew, consult with a dedicated team of specialists, purchase custom modified film equipment, and completely fund the use of the shuttle that?ll take us on our journey to space. We?ve projected that the overall cost of this pioneering endeavor will run us about $3.4 million. By supporting us through the purchase of one (or several!) of our amazing perks, you have the opportunity to be a part of the most epic sex adventure ever caught on tape, causing lives to change, mouths to drop, and boundaries to be broken )
  16. Is she freshly showered?

    Asking ! ...this should be given.
  17. Alphabet myth

    Every fucking expert claims licking clit is best by using the alphabet or numbers methods.After asking not so few ladies about their favorite way of masturbating , all said the same thing....not really.
  18. So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

    Over the years you and me created many enemies by insisting that squirting is pee....best of luck. Can you for once be descent....just once...try it...it may be good for you.
  19. I agree . Thank you , I am too .
  20. The power of the internet !
  21. Is she familiar or ?

    Assuming the video shot recently !
  22. Hint ...... Boulder http://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=237256647
  23. Plagiarism?

    hope the cartoons will show......
  24. You are pretty conservative in your figure . I haven't met a woman without a vibrator , even the ones I had phone sex with in other states and never seen their faces but I can still hear ...... http://www.soundsnap.com/tags/vibrator You spent too much time in the military that is why.
  25. Assuming you were sarcastic how little men know about vaginas , I bet there are many women who would score 6 out of 10.