Amber Allure

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Everything posted by Amber Allure

  1. How old are you guys?

    Shit, ya'll making me feel like a baby over here. *totally blushing*
  2. It shouldn't need to be reminded butttttt

    He just walked up to me and was like Hey Amber! Thanks for that mind-blowing appointment on Monday (can't remember what day he said exactly) I tried to shrug him off like he had the wrong person, but he kept at it saying things like "what dont remember that shaking orgasm I gave you?" I made sure he was blacklisted and if he was on here I would tell the moderators about him. Luckily he's new to the scene, only a BP dude and got the hint that maybe he's not the smartest thing on the planet My mom was like 2 feet behind me.
  3. It shouldn't need to be reminded butttttt

    Thank you! You understand. You and I have had many many talks about this.
  4. It shouldn't need to be reminded butttttt

    Total heart eyes with this story. Perfect example.
  5. It shouldn't need to be reminded butttttt

    Because my mom is not an idiot, and I am very bad at lying
  6. It shouldn't need to be reminded butttttt

    I am extremely lucky my mom has an open mind and was open to listening to me.
  7. Etiquette

    You'd think I wouldn't have to ask someone to take their shoes off when its slushy and muddy outside. But when you have someone trace mud all the way through your freshly scrubbed apartment SIGH!
  8. Etiquette

    I have a bench with some of my shoes at the entryway of my apartment. Figured that would be enough. Including a shoes off at the door message with my apartment number, LOL
  9. Etiquette

    I always take my shoes off, I was actually complimented on it. It's just second nature like driving a manual, or saying yes sir/ma'am
  10. Etiquette

    I have a bench in my entry way where my shoes are under or next too. So, thats not really an issue. LOL. He's lucky he was a sweetheart ha.
  11. Etiquette

    I'm all red over here. LOL
  12. Etiquette

    It was in my text with the apartment number to remove shoes at the door and keep them near the bench. I was getting into the outfit he requested when he walked from my front door to my bathroom to greet me before I realized he still had his shoes on and then didn't even apologize.
  13. Heart Break

    Very good way to put things Bad Boy!!
  14. Heart Break

    As someone wise once said "Its Better To Love and Lost, Then To NEVER have Loved At All" I think is how it goes.
  15. Heart Break

    You are breaking my heart...<3 Heartbreak takes a toll on your body, your mental health, your emotional abilities and other cognitive parts of your body. It takes an even greater toll on you when you change your entire life to revolve around that person. Sometimes we want to fill the void with cuddles and kisses but sometimes that doesn't help, even in some cases makes it hard to actually heal. There is NO time frame on how long is TOO LONG to feel broken. You will always feel the love for that person no matter how the pieces get put back together. Sending you loving thoughts Dear.
  16. Mr Number

    That is very true Bit. I've had that happen. Which is unfortunate.
  17. Mr Number

    Kali and I were just having a conversation like this. Sometimes you just have to take the risk and message a girl for advice or if you have a question. I reached out to someone about a BL and it was probably one of the best things I could have done, and it led me to talking to multiple super nice ladies. Worst thing they can do is not respond or tell you they dont know. Even if you were in the hobby before, things change. Hell I feel everything changes by the week. Reach out, never know what you may gain from it. Wish you the best beautiful. Keep your head up.
  18. Friendly reminder for newbies...please read

    Well if someone posts I'm Available now and then not really be available I can understand. I personally try and keep my times that I start and end appointment making. But I can understand.
  19. Friendly reminder for newbies...please read

    Hit it right on the head. And I dont think I've put in an ad title Available Now, especially when Im down south because my time fills up fast. There have been times I'll post a time in my ad title stating thats when I'll take appointments and I'll have that one guy who says "are you available" 45 minutes early. Ive screenshotted my clock and circle the time and ask if it was said time. And then I've ACTUALLY HAD SOMEONE RESPOND WITH "close enough"
  20. Friendly reminder for newbies...please read

    Thank you! I mean it should be common sense. But thinking with the wrong head may cause some temporary thought process loss. And if I may add, Don't Blow Up Her Text Messages With "Are You Available." Every time she freaking posts.
  21. New here

    Welcome to the board!! Hope have a fruitful adventure!
  22. I'm Sure Of It!

    I'm sure ya'll are tired of hearing it ------------- BUUUUUUTTTTTT Happy Holidays to all you beautiful people and I hope everyone has a blessed (Sorry if you aren't religious) 2018 and thanks to everyone who made my 2017 better than I could have imagined! I love you all!! MUAH! XOXO Amber720
  23. I'm Sure Of It!

  24. Gifts, Gifts, Gifts

    *slow clap*
  25. Review Bullying

    It's very sad that men will try and manipulate you into doing what they want using the bad review tactic. I recently had a longer appointment on a day I wasn't normally available and he had already overstayed his timew. hen he mentioned it, I had stated that it was actually time to get dressed and play time was over. He said something along the lines of "If you don't let me stay another half an hour I'll write a review about how rushed you made our session and how I paid for 2 hours and only got 15 minutes." even though he said almost 3 hours. And to that I said, go ahead and write it. I'm not afraid of a bad review, especially if it's false and with that he got dressed and left without a word.