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About glide41

  • Rank
    Prodigious understanding of TOB principles
  • Birthday 08/10/1951
  1. Little blue pill

    I don't need the "blue diamond" when interacting with the beautiful ladies of the evening, but it is absolutely necessary with the SO :-) It makes me harder than Chinese arithmetic
  2. Happy Birthday, Beauty, wherever you are. I hope life brings you joy and laughter.
  3. What if it got caught in my Prince Albert?
  4. Anyone ever fall for a provider?

    I fell for my ATF, being with her felt better than any "True Love" felt before. I knew logically it was only a wonderful fantasy, but in my heart it felt real. Only a quote from a famous philospher, Tony Soprano, "The heart wants what the dick wants" helped me realise how far off center I had strayed.
  5. Happy Birthday, SophiaRose, Prettiest, sexiest Lady I knows