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About iamahob973

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    Welcome Me
  • Birthday 01/01/1960
  1. Fake BP Posts

    I did a quick search on the forum and did not see any recent thread about this, so here goes. I think it would be helpful for us to have a discussion on why people post fake advertisements on BP escort listing. I am not talking about the ones were the pictures are not of the person you end up seeing. Bait and switch I get. I am talking about the ones that are too good to be true, usually with an out of town number. For instance, this one: http://denver.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/visiting-b-r-a-n-d-n-e-w-e-x-o-t-i-c-s-w-e-e-t-visiting-24/15264469 Google the telephone number and it is clear that number has been listed in other ads for some a while and it isn't that same girl. Why do that? Is there something to be gained if I call the number and they get my phone number? So, let's see what you folks think, if this is a worthy topic or not. If you think so, please reply.