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Name E # Date
Claire Shepherd Yes 28 5/30/07
Review by flyingsolo20 (5 Reviews Submitted)

Seen on 5/31/07
Time: 1 hr Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: Yes Recommend?: Yes Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: This review is long over due. What can I say about Claire that hasn't already been said. She is the perfect cross between GFE and PSE you will ever meet. The fun starts as soon as you walk in the door with some of the best DFK I have experienced in the hobbie. All other services are great but I do love the DFK. Treat her well as I hope to be seeing her again very soon.

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Dru Yes 9 5/30/07
Review by flyingsolo20 (5 Reviews Submitted)

Seen on 5/31/07
Time: 1 hr Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: Yes Recommend?: Yes Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: I just treated myself to Dru for my birthday and I've been thanking myself ever since. This is my second time seeing Dru. The first time didn't live up to her reviews, except for the UTF that is, so I had to give her another try. I'm more than glad I did. Dru is a sweet girl with unmatched UTF skills with NSNQCIM. All other services were delivered with the same enthusiasm and I enjoyed myself thoroughly. Please treat her well as I hope to see her again.

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Angela Aspen-3407 Yes 28 5/30/07
Review by SkyKing (3 Reviews Submitted)

Seen on 5/31/07
Time: 1 hr Location: Colorado SpringsIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: Yes Recommend?: Yes Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: This Lady is absolutley a pleasure to be with and very beautiful to look at. She was very passionate from the time I walked in the door until I lefted. She is a very intelligent woman and can talk about any subject. We began the evening with a bottle of wine and talked about her move to Denver. I can't wait to see her again, again, again & again. ty Kennedy or a great evening.

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Claire Shepherd Yes 28 5/22/07
Review by king james (6 Reviews Submitted)

Seen on 5/23/07
Time: 45 min Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: Yes Recommend?: Yes Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: claire is intelligent, intimate, insatiable - incredible.

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Claire Shepherd Yes 28 5/22/07
Review by FX (3 Reviews Submitted)

Seen on 5/23/07
Time: 1 hr Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: Yes Recommend?: Yes Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: I've said it before, but deserves repetition. Claire is an exceptional provider. She loves role playing. Can morph from PSE to GFE, depending on your desires.

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Jenna Johnson Yes 68 5/22/07
Review by Seadog007 (8 Reviews Submitted)

Seen on 5/23/07
Time: 1 hr Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: Yes Recommend?: Yes Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: An excellent time was had with Jenna. There is something about her (very nice) that I cannot put my finger on. She has a special aura about her. It was immediately nice to be in the same room with her. There were however, many things to put my fingers on when it came to playtime. We had a great time, and with this review, I become the newest VIP. I have found Jenna's Jewels to be a wonderful experience. I will see Jenna again. Hurry though, she says she will re-retire in September. p.s. The UTF was a good as it gets.

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Layla Rae Yes 2 5/22/07
Review by ezrider (25 Reviews Submitted)

Seen on 5/23/07
Time: 1.5 hrs Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: Yes Recommend?: Yes Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: I had wanted to see Layla when she was with Cloud9, but she was gone before I got a chance. She seems to have dropped out for a while, and has recently posted occasionally on Bearsboard, and on CL. I think there are some old reviews here but didn't check before I wrote this one. She is one of the best looking African American women I've ever seen. She is tiny, friendly and chatty. intelligent and well spoken. She's just moved into a newly renovated condo in the general Parker/Iliff area.Its quite nice. We spent a lot of time talking as well as fooling around. Great kisser and nqns. Right now, only a phone #. If you get a "mailbox full" msg, don't despair. If you experience is like mine, you'll get a callback right away. Great time, will see her again!

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Brandi Yes 8 5/21/07
Review by midas (20 Reviews Submitted)

Seen on 5/22/07
Time: 1 hr Location: Colorado SpringsIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: Yes Recommend?: Yes Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: Brandi is a GFE experience to remember. Absolutely georgeous, her pictures do not do her justice; She looks much better in person. She is very fit and had just returned from mountain biking when I saw her. She told me that she has lost some weight and she plans on taking new pictures to reflect her new look. Brandi is very intelligent and understands the business very well. Her screening process is very thorough before she sets the appointment. So if you don't have good verifiable references don't bother calling. My time with her was the quickest hour I can remember in a long time. Her DFK is awesome........she really enjoys DATY and she lets you know. She is very responsive and really gets into it. Brandi is a great commuicator and she seeks and provides feedback and what is working. She works to make it an experience you will remember and she succeeds. Our time together included DFK, DATY, UTF and the various positions. She has an incredible attitude and makes you feel like you are her only client. I highly recommend. She is an experience you do not want to miss.

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Classy Katie Yes 18 5/21/07
Review by avsfanco (5 Reviews Submitted)

Seen on 5/22/07
Time: 1 hr Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: Yes Recommend?: Yes Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: She advertises, that she provides the best UTF. Yep, she is definetly one of the best. Great girl. Great session.

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Nina Rox Yes 63 5/21/07
Review by dylww (4 Reviews Submitted)

Seen on 5/22/07
Time: 1 hr Location: Colorado SpringsIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: Yes Recommend?: Yes Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: Nina has a great personality and very sexy body. She was very easy to talk to and get to know. After a strip tease to please we started with with soft kissing which soon turned to french. We than proceeded to UTF and DATY which i beleive was enjoyed by both. She than covered me up an we did the cowboy,mish,and doggie that had me howlin. Finished with a hand job which I suggested as I loved to look at her beautiful breast as I exploded. I hope to see her the next time I'm in town.

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Elle of Colorado Yes 10 5/18/07
Review by Horneguyter (22 Reviews Submitted)

Seen on 5/19/07
Time: 1 hr Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: Yes Recommend?: Yes Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: I missed out in the past on seeing Elle when she was Taylor. Luck smiled on all of us when she decided to return. Setup was super easy. Met at a very nice in call. Elle look fantastic! Beautiful face and ohhhh those eyes!! I had a fantastic time and would definitely return!!

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Dana Yes 1 5/18/07
Review by Paul Pudenda (106 Reviews Submitted)

Seen on 5/19/07
Time: 1 hr Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: Out-Call
Experience: Yes Recommend?: Yes Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: Dana is absolutely delightful. Initial contact is through e-mail, but she responds quickly. Because she lives in the mountains and does outcall, advance notice is needed - but she does her best to accommodate your schedule. Dana arrived on time and gave me a big hug and kiss, and she is a superb kisser. She is fluent in French and responds energetically to DATY. Dana definitely enjoys her vocation, and likes to be pleased while she pleases you. This really helps to make the experience GFE. Her full service menu is superb, with no positional restrictions - leading to a mutually explosive conclusion. Be clean and polite, and you will be very pleased that you called Dana.

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Classy Katie Yes 18 5/18/07
Review by Lance of Denver (3 Reviews Submitted)

Seen on 5/19/07
Time: 1.5 hrs Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: Yes Recommend?: Yes Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: Katie, Katie, she is a wonderfully warm woman that really knows what a man wants. She always has this warm inviting smile when you arive and greets you with a warm hug as if you have been gone forever and are just getting back home. She is a free spirit and is not opposed to taking charge or letting you drive. Her skin has this sun kissed glow to it and is not overly tanned yet is so soft to the touch. I would say her body build is more Amazon because she is firm everywhere. She advertises as providing the best UTF and that is true but she doesn't advertise that she is the best kisser (shich is also true). I highly recommend her. She is a sweet girl so treat her accordingly. Katie looking forward to our next visit.

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Brandi Yes 8 5/17/07
Review by cherchant (11 Reviews Submitted)

Seen on 5/18/07
Time: 1 hr Location: Colorado SpringsIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: Yes Recommend?: Yes Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: What a wonderful companion is Brandi! Her sensuous lips and kisses set the stage for even more delightful play, and she is as genuine as possible. I sincerely hope she gets some better pictures which communicate her beauty, for she is a beauty and delightfully modest about it. She was most accomodating to this older dude, and insisted that we just enjoy our time together. I was really sorry to have to depart when time was up- BUT, I'll get back to her as soon as I possibly can. Many, many, thanks, Brandi! You're a jewel!

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Emerald Yes 3 5/16/07
Review by zinfandel3-3744 (11 Reviews Submitted)

Seen on 5/17/07
Time: 1 hr Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: Yes Recommend?: Yes Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: Some things really do get better with time. Among the notables are fine red wines, most soft French cheeses, hopefully Jay Cutler, and most importantly, Emerald. I had the pleasure of again experiencing her constant smile, her charm, her giggle, her infectious laughter, and of course the more physical things in which she is so talented. As usual she was efficient in her scheduling, on time, and a pleasure to behold as she opened the door. It was one of the more upscale DTC hotels and she fit the elegance perfectly. Emerald's ability to make you feel at ease and comfortable are exceptional. A great way to spend an hour on a Wednesday afternoon. Highly recommended.

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