Amber Ann-4756's Profile

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Amber Ann-4756

(720) 486-1233


Age: 28
Weight: N/A
Height: 0'0"
Measurements: 0A-N/A-N/A


References: Private

Reviews (1)

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Legend: E = Experience, # = Number of Reviews, Date = Review Submitted

Reviewer E # Date
DenverDiver Yes 3 6/21/15
Seen on 6/22/15
Time: 1.5 hrs Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: Yes Recommend?: Yes Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: I have seen Amber Ann enough now to get speedy responses and frank availability and ETA info. I say that because early in trying to set something up you may have to try multiple times; she is developing a good reputation from what I'm seeing and so obviously she's getting busier. But stick with it, she is absolutely worth a little extra time! Most recently I met Amber Ann after not seeing her for a few months. I did a little searching online for info updates and was all set to go when I saw her listed on . I was surprised so I had a longer than usual conversation with her to get a sense of things. Eventually I asked about it flat out and she told me how upset and sorry she was about it as she was aware of the listing. She apologized profusely and noted that it was apparently the work of a jaded person taking a swipe at her. Long story short, as her sincerity matched the general consensus that the site seems to be bogus, we met. Thankfully :-). Amber Ann has a broad menu and for my tastes (which are a bit vanilla) she is an amazing experience. She met me wearing a sexy skirt and thigh highs with matching top and heels, just as I requested. A relieved hug and several more apologies later, we finally relaxed and sat down. Or rather, I did. Amber Ann showed off her lengthy, juicy features a while as she prepared me to receive another fantastic session orally (mutual). She was active and visceral throughout as she always has been. While YMMV, I was again treated to every position a fella could wish to enjoy before my first of MSOG; which was excitedly received facially. Amber Ann was actively engaged and verbal throughout, and was giving me the sense to be having an even better time than I was. She was seemingly uncaring of the clock, nor did she have any inhibitions as I happily went for another ride with Amber Ann's sexy, smooth bodily amusement park! There's more value and memorable experiences with her than just about anyone else I've seen. We definitely went pretty over the agreed upon duration, and had I not noted this to her myself and added to the arrangement, I genuinely doubt she would have said a thing. Though she was appreciative for me not being a dirt bag about it :-). Ask her about her menu and be frank with your preferences; it'll only benefit you!