Kiki Backpage's Profile

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Kiki Backpage

(619) 361-9058


Age: 28
Weight: N/A
Height: 0'0"
Measurements: 0A-N/A-N/A


References: Private

Reviews (1)

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Legend: E = Experience, # = Number of Reviews, Date = Review Submitted

Reviewer E # Date
Satori Yes 2 3/12/14
Seen on 3/12/14
Time: 15 min Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: Yes Recommend?: Yes Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: Found Kiki on backpage and she looked gorgeous in her picks so I decided to take one for the team after seeing she had yet to be reviewed under her current Alias. Standardish 2 call setup. I get to the room (not upscale at all but that wasn't expected) and she looks nothing like she did in her pictures. She weighs approximately 50-60 more pounds than what her pictures show and she was atleast 10 years older than her advertised age. We get on the bed and she has me touch her breasts where I can clearly feel how poorly her boob job was done but no big deal. After some translated french she finally got me hard after much wasted time and when I asked if she would get on top, she said that she would require a larger tip. I told her I only had 1 more dollar in my wallet and she left me to go check my wallet which she pulled the single out and kept for herself (idk if it's just me but that seems really cheep and sleezy). She can go dial 1-800-COLLECT I guess or maybe get another McDouble from the dollar menu to make her pictures even more inaccurate. She came back and said that she would get on top but we wouldn't be able to do the full hour anymore which I had no choice to agree to as to respect her policies so I politely obliged. I was no longer hard at this point and she was unable to get me hard again. I asked if she had any lube for a handjob and she looked around and none was to be found in her posession. She also said that she didn't want to use another condom... I told her to stop and let me try to get myself hard but to no avail as I was mentally checked out at this point. I just got up and left and when she asked why I was leaving, I gave her a small polite explanation and showed myself out. DO NOT go to see her unless you want a similar experience.