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About timseafgs

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    Welcome Me
  • Birthday 01/01/1975
  1. new to this

    Wow..... like I said I'm very new to this and hadn't checked on this since my post. Good points all, even sofaking, but Pitbull... you've made me all verklempt. I really don't know what happened but things between me and my lady have really dried up sexually in a relationship that is otherwise pretty great. I really wouldn't do this if we made love on a more regular basis. I have always been very loyal but the lack of intimacy has played with my head in unbelievably cruel ways, making me think all kinds of negative things about myself. I've talked to her about this many many times, and even told her that we should call it quits since in my experience things really don't get better later on, but she insists on staying together and working on it... but then we're back to "normal". We've both come to the conclusion that we have very different libido levels, and I frankly don't feel like condemning myself to a life of almost abstinence. There are really so many ways of looking at this subject, as evidenced by the healthy debate here but honestly I'm tired of thinking about it. One thought I've had lately is 'imagine if your absolute favorite dish is now the only dish you will have every night for the remainder of your life, and then after a while instead of every night you now get to eat every other night, then every third night, ever fourth....... every month.... maybe twice a year.....' I wish to thank everyone for the input and advice.... yes you too sofaking cause trust me everything you wrote had already crossed my mind.
  2. new to this

    hi im new to this and in a relationship and want to be as discrete as possible with this stuff. im finding out that nobody will respond to just emails. any tips on how to navigate without getting busted by my lady? thanks