Fred Garvin

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About Fred Garvin

  • Rank
    Welcome Me
  • Birthday 07/17/1965
  1. Mostly I have learned that I am incredibly good looking the very best lover and I have a huge pecker. At least that's what the girls tell me.
  2. Curvy Women

    Been a while since I have posted but thought I would touch on this. First I love all women including thick, curvy, and even BBW. With that being said depending on the size some times my affection wanes. To be honest it is more about how they carry them selves and if they take care of their appearance ( hair, make up, nails ) Secondly you girls especially the ones that read and post here are huge in my book. I certainly wouldn't want to be judged, and I bet not many of us men would. Meanest thing I ever heard someone say was "you fuck with that?" High school can be so mean and fortunately it wasn't to me.
  3. a what point is pussy just pussy

    No fine Sir, I would submit to you the end result is the same you got your rocks off. What lies behind the g string is as different as the girls around them. My old man asked me one time if I knew why pussy had all those folds. When I asked why he said they were kinda like maps you un fold them differently depending on where you want to end up. Finally to Miss Megan Rae beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I bet yo be holding a very pretty one it certainly has an attractive wrapper, your sense of humor slays me.
  4. Just busting a nut?

    I want much more then just a warm wet hole. When looking thru reviews the phrases I look for are " instant connection" and " she made me feel" not huge hooters and bangin body. It's the age old question am I paying for companionship or activities? I say depending on the price point both. The fact is for me the companionship is what sets it apart from simple friction. Some girls don't get it and you see it in their reviews" mechanical" & "3g". I would guess some guys are o.k. with that or even seek it out. I don't imagine those girls are treated as well as ones that make the effort. Not just in terms of a respect stand point but being fingered like a jack hammer point. To Lucy's point in the review ethics thread I get you can't do it all and that's where ymmv comes in. It's also where if a provider isn't feeling it that day she should cancel, or reschedule. Bottom line your not factory workers and I'm not just a can to kick down the road.
  5. moving to colorado soon just wante to say hi

    Welcome to Denver another young lady for an old guy to chase!!!
  6. Dangerous Encounters

    Megan that has happily happened to me often good thing I don't have a public job!!
  7. Oldie but a newbie

    Hello fine folks. Used to play often, got married and stopped. Divorced and started back up about a year ago. I've been lurking for a while and thought I would like to contribute. Thanks for having me.