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About aperfectstranger

  • Rank
    Prodigious understanding of TOB principles
  • Birthday 07/29/1965


  • Biography
    She called me BIG DATY
  • Location
  • Interests
    Renaissance Man
  1. a what point is pussy just pussy

    Simply put if you are a connoisseur never! If you're just a consumer probably always
  2. Colfax Stories

    I've lived on Colfax twice. When I was young and fresh off the farm I had a second job remodeling some apartments behind smiley's laundromat at night. I had worked 18 hours and was driving home about 11:30 when I saw a very pretty young lady hitch hiking. I was dirty and stinky and life really sucked. I really just wanted some good karma so I stopped to give her a ride. She made small talk while I was slumped over the steering wheel. She leaned over to me and whispered "You know I date" and I looked at her and said " First I give you a ride and now you want me to take you to the movies?" I thought the was gonna fall out of the car she laughed so hard.
  3. Review ethics/advice?

    I think if you use the reviews then there is some duty to contribute. I also think that you should write your experience as a whole. If she wasn't prepared then that's on her she could have cancelled. I think most people that use the reviews understand ymmv, and take that I to account. I just wonder how many ladies float by because we don't want to write a bad review. I feel your pain, I would have a tough time too. Some of us work on a connection, and some friction is enough. To say the physical side was good but lacked any emotional warmth is in it self a fair review.
  4. Newbie Hello TOB

    Welcome, good luck and stay safe
  5. p.m.

    Trying to do some due diligence on a provider, and tried to p.m. one of the reviewers as he had done lots of other reviews. Said could not find user???? Help a guy out.
  6. Thank you so much for this. It's nice to get a women's honest perspective. Now all I need is a practice partner!!! Curious why some providers don't allow it.
  7. Question for the ladies??

    I was reading an advertisement for a provider and at the bottom of her page it said that she posted positive reviews for her gentlemen visitors. Is there such a site? I always assumed bad visitors were dealt with by word of mouth. I got the impression that this was more then an o.k. on P411, but I assume so I could be wrong.
  8. Hello everyone!

    Welcome, and all I can say is WOW!!! Great pictures.
  9. Hey There :)

    Welcome, and good luck.
  10. Hello

    Welcome, ma'am. I may be blind but I don't see where your advertising. Like what I see so far but....... p.m. me if you like as I think responding here may not be allowed. If it is then please do so here as i may not be the only one curious.
  11. Seeking a squirter

    I too have experienced this so I am a believer. Outside of that there is someone that is a regular contributor to this board I'm surprised she hasn't commented, perhaps still hung over from her birthday? Besides it's his fantasy let him live it.
  12. Rip off alert

    I agree with demon, on two of his points. There does seem like there are a limited choices and availability is an issue after 5 and on weekends. Sometimes it's an attraction thing, as men we tend to be visual creatures. For some I'm sure they don't want to hassle with the screening process. Some I'm sure are attracted to the pricing. Others are hunting for that unfound jewel. I have personally never been ripped off ( knock on wood ) but I've had experiences that were not that great. Some of my backpage experiences were fantastic. I guess maybe they are blue collar girls in a sense. Some guys may find that more real. Any ways I'm sorry you got ripped dude try not to take it out on the next girl!!!
  13. Happy Birthday To Me

    Happy Birthday hoping you have much wealth and good health for the coming year.
  14. Can't get laid with a fist full of cash

    Thanks for the advice oaked, both the appointments I set were for an hour, but having a back up plan is starting to make sense. I know this isn't the norm. Thank you also Ms. Love for the kind words.
  15. Can't get laid with a fist full of cash

    I do have really big hands!!