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About indoguy

  • Rank
    Welcome Me
  • Birthday 01/19/1983
  1. Photog????

    Are you looking for a photographer? Or a model? If you're looking for a photographer, I'm in a denver photography Club and I can see if I can gather some photographers to do some outdoor photo sessions. Or if you're not comfortable with a lot of people taking your pictures, I can help you out. Free of charge and no strings attached, I just like taking pictures
  2. Selfish....

    Sharing is caring my friend
  3. 411 on sonia

    She must've taken off her ad. Her number is 7204360214
  4. 411 on sonia

    Any info on this hottie? Phone number seems legit, no results through tineye.
  5. Whats your favorite?

    If you like Korean Seoul bbq Brunch: Snooze Small plates & cocktails (atmosphere) Beatrice & woodsley Seafood Pappadeux seafood kitchen tacos Tacos y salsas List goes on, let me know what u are looking for and I'll give you some advise
  6. Rachel's new phone number

    Here you go, yep she changed her phone number
  7. 411 for Tosha

    I think it's been posted somewhere, it's a fake picture.
  8. is it the color of my skin?

    I'm all about preference, all I'm saying is give people a chance at least meet them first then let your gut take over. What if I was Denzel Washington in denver looking for a provider? You haven't even met me yet and you're already denying me of service. Would you rather take an ugly fat white man over a good looking rich young colored man?
  9. is it the color of my skin?

    i didn't start this thread to complain about what happened to me, i just wanted to understand why there must be a "no black men" policy in some ads. i just don't think it's fair that color of your skin is an issue when you are capable of paying for the service. it's easy for someone to say, just keep trying, or there's thousands of providers out there, but when it's actually you that's been denied of a service because the color of your skin, it feels kinda crappy. not all black people are bad, not all asians are cheap, not all irish are drunks, give people a chance. i asked one of the ladies i contacted if she would give me 5 minutes of her time and if she didn't like where it was going, or she didn't like what she sees, i would still pay her some money for her time. but she still wouldn't give me the time or day. i hope that people would read this thread and just have an open mind on things this is my 2 cents on the world p.s. i'm not trying to call anyone out, i'm just trying to prove a point. so please don't be offended.
  10. is it the color of my skin?

    actually, i don't consider india as asian. i'm indonesian HUGE difference between INDIA but that is a good point, i wouldn't want people to think i'm indian, i'm just not sure if people would know where indonesia is located
  11. is it the color of my skin?

    it was one of many assumptions, i was able and willing to provide my work information and if she needed more all she has to do is ask for it. so what else could it be? we had set an appointment for 2 pm already, as soon as she saw my id she never replied back to any of my calls or texts. in my previous posting i said "does looks, race or age matter to a provider? if it matters why be in this business." so when you ask me why i think it's related to the color of my skin, my answer is because i think and my wife seems to think that i'm a decent looking guy, i'm not trying to be vain or anything but if i was a provider i would do me unless i have some stereotype in my head that prevents me from seeing you. and i don't know about you, but i never see an ad by a provider saying "no ugly people", but i do see "no blacks men"
  12. is it the color of my skin?

    most of them ask for references (which i do not have since i'm new to denver) or a way to verify occupation, i have a direct line to my desk and it's sunday so there's no one to pick up my work phone. so the only thing i have to verify occupation is through my work badge which has my name and picture along with the name of the company. but no response after that, even when i asked if she needs something else to verify occupation.... i was willing to send my paystubs if need be.
  13. is it the color of my skin?

    i do understand that providers have the right to turn away clients, but if they are going to be picky on the color of your skin, your age, even your looks, then why be in this business? i was a little disheartened this weekend because it was so hard for me to get a provider. yes i'm new to colorado and i don't have any references yet, but i do have a job. as soon as i give them my work badge with my picture on it, they reject my calls. am i that bad looking, jesus christ, i'm not brad pitt or anything but it's not like i'm the hunchback of notredame or anything. sorry, it's been a long disappointing day trying to get laid hiks hiks
  14. is it the color of my skin?

    i would see ads where providers would put "No Black Men", what is up with that? I'm asian with light brown skin and i still have problems when providers ask for a picture, is this business only for white people we colored people have needs also i've been striking out this weekend just when i'm carefree