
My 1st Great Hobby Non-Adventure of 2019

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I had been wanting to see one of my ATF's this week but got the startling news that she had quit the biz and I noticed she had taken down her pics and showcase on my local board, (not TOB). I had seen her a couple of weeks ago and she had mentioned nothing about retiring so I was a little skeptical. Especially since she had "retired" on previous occasions and come back quickly.

Anyway, on this cold 1st night of 2019, I decided to take a chance and query her about an appointment for this week, possibly next day. I sent off the text around 8:00 p.m. and busied myself with other tasks. She responded at 9:30 with a bit of a surprise. She said she would be unavailable this week as she was getting ready to take a trip to California the next morning. This was not a surprise as she had told me previously that she would be leaving the state for a couple weeks in January. The surprising part was that she said she could see me that night if I wanted.

Hmmm, I hadn't planned on going anywhere this cold night and I wondered why she would want to see me so late at night right before leaving town the next morning. Then, I thought "Why Not?" Spontaneity is usually not my thing but maybe this was a sign for change in the new year. I thought about it for a couple of minutes and texted her that I could see her but it would be an hour or so before I could make it there and asked if that was ok  with her.

By the way, I'm single and unencumbered. No real reason why I couldn't step out for a date on short notice, especially as she lives fairly close.  I just needed to shower and shave.  While waiting for her response, I pulled clean clothes and undies out of my drawer,  cranked up the space heater in the bathroom for extra warmth during prep time and gathered car keys and wallet together. Then I sat back, turned on the tube and waited.

She never got back to me. I could have re-texted her  but decided it really wasn't that important. She's young, 21, and can be flighty and spacy at times. I imagine she got distracted or busy with other things and simply forgot. I wasn't upset as we didn't really have a set appointment. I was also glad that she apparently wasn't retired after all. I hope she has a good trip and we can re-connect when she gets back. If she hasn't retired again that is.

So my attempt at spontaneity in the new year failed. At least this time. I may try it again though. It was kind of fun.



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