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Everything posted by fortysomething

  1. Ladies' feet in their ads

    Bare feet and nothing but a t-shirt and a smile. Yes, Boink...diff'rent strokes.
  2. Ladies' feet in their ads

    I'd rather see bare feet than those spiky porn-star heels. Jeezus, lady...are you going to wear those to bed?
  3. How to Keep (or Lose) me as a P411 Customer

    You have some good points there, my friend, and I think your situation merits a P411 membership. As for me, I stay local, and have a small cadre of established providers. Although I don't hobby frequently, they know me and I know them. No surprises, so far.
  4. How to Keep (or Lose) me as a P411 Customer

    Never needed P411 for a pleasurable hobbying experience. Not sure what all the fuss is about.
  5. Men who like breasts are sexist

    If that's the case, then I'm a sexist and I am not ashamed. Love those titties
  6. Thanks everyone.

    May you fare well on your next adventure. Peace and light, sir.
  7. All about me, or please and be pleased

    Preach the gospel, brother.
  8. Live long and prosper...

    A great life. A great legacy. Rest in Peace, Mr. Nimoy.
  9. Old members you miss the most

    I second that motion!
  10. "Please treat her well..."

    For the record, if I say anything resembling "treat her well" in my reviews, I mean TREAT HER WELL. Don't be a fucking pig. She's a lady and deserves such respect. That is all.
  11. Which animal or isect are you?

    A bear, but a bear licking the honey out of the bottom of the pot like an eager aardvark.
  12. Picking the perfect incall

    Extended stays are nice, but there's one hotel here in CS that puts 'em all to shame.
  13. No Black or AA men

    AA = Alcoholics Anonymous?
  14. In spite of the occasional mishaps, cowgirl's one of my favorite activities. Especially with a big-bottomed lady Y'all be careful, y'hear?
  15. A Tale of Two Providers

    Ditto! Now you have me all curious, as well.
  16. Has anyone experienced that at the asian massage parlors?

    Guess I've been lucky. Of the 3, count 'em, THREE AMP's I've encountered, and two of them on a regular basis, they all had a firm, but pleasant touch. Lots of oil helps.
  17. what would you do ?

    Wise words from BB.
  18. Happy Festivus!

    Yes, indeed! Festivus...for the rest of us. Happy Happy!
  19. 411 - Janae (BP FBSM)

    Ads come and go on BP, but she's been posting since November. This is one of the few permanent links I could find on her. 719-422-5835. Phone number turns up various ads. Email turns up activity in Boston with a different woman whose ads use the same wording. No Tineye at last check. Cute, mature curvy MILF, IMHO. Anyone had the pleasure?
  20. 411 on backpage BBW

    There's a new BP FBSM provider here in CS that's been popping up for about a month or so. Her ads appear in the morning and are gone by the evening. IMHO, she has set hours and doesn't want somebody contacting her before or after.
  21. For all you bubble butt fans

    I love the packaging, but not the contents.
  22. Licking pussy

    Call me a serial cunnilingist. Downtown is my place to be
  23. Whats your fetish?

    Like I'm going to reveal this to the board? But yes, I'm an oral freak as well. My mouth + your tits/pussy/mouth = good times. Not an ass man, though.
  24. Lingerie Preference ?

    Ditto. Heels do nothing for me.