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Everything posted by Lahaina19

  1. 411 On Nessa BP

    The cache pic is of someone posting on BP in COS right now as well?
  2. Well let me know when you post, Inquiring minds want to know .... Lol
  3. Nique in COS

    I've been curious about this one as well .... πŸ€”
  4. White girl ... Will suffice? 719-963-7914 Colorado Escort Sup My Bradah's, Anyone got the 411 on this one? Says she's 23, see her post regularly but, spuratic .... Learning to be patient .... I TOFFT last time & it was a fail 😩 Thanks All
  5. Rob! New scam

    Sounds like you broke your cherry, happened to me once before too! An out of towner, said she didn't do the Full Service, her friend did if I wanted to wait? Said she needed to make a call & bolted with my money. check with the 411 boards first ... I learned the hard way. Sorry that happened to you! Hang in there Bradah!✌🏼️
  6. 411 on this COS provider anyone?

    thanks gr8owl, No offense taken ... I'm still getting a hang of things here ... So your help is Very Appreciated! Mahalo Bradah'!
  7. Hey guys :)

    Welcome to The board & Colorado Springs! I moved here from Huntington Beach, CA. 17 years ago ... Love it here.
  8. Jazmine - don't you hate it

    Gr8owl, You are the Man! Saved me some grief ...
  9. 411 on Grace anyone? BP COS

    Thanks LivEver ... Much Appreciated Brah'!!!! Will Do!
  10. Grace Colorado Escort Anyone know anything about this one? (719) 424-2872 pictures seem legit? Kind of gun shy after my last experience... 😝😁a
  11. 411 on Grace anyone? BP COS

    Wow ... Thanks gr8owl .... I'm trying not to make my last mistake ... Lol. Appreciate You Bradah' ✌🏼️
  12. 411 on Grace anyone? BP COS

    Thanks Guys!! Much Appreciated ... I've been Leary since my last outing ... Wasn't what I expected at all.
  13. Jazmine - don't you hate it

    Lmao ... Nice One gr8owl!!!! 😝😝😝😝😝🍻
  14. Jessica Colorado Escort Ok ... hopefully I'm doing this right ... So I decided to TOFTT ... a BP girl I'd seen posting a lot in Colorado Springs ... goes by the name of Jessica .... phone # - 9167942014 Should of did my homework before I did ... But I didn't ... Shame on me, I know. Definately is not the girl in the pics ... she using, paid for the half hour ... glad I didn't pay for the hour. Learned my lesson to do the lesser of time ... just to see if it's even worth it. Needless to say ... She was cute but, not even the girl in the pics... which happens to be a girl named " Kandy Dang " on Twitter... using stolen pics ... big surprise right. On a scale of 1 to 10 ... I'd give her a 4 .... ended our session early & said some things I've never heard come out of a providers mouth. I've had a way better time for less with other providers ...
  15. Sorry gr8owl .... A little harder to pull the data on a tablet, when I'm on the road. Maybe I should do more homework period on my laptop before I TOFFT ... Lesson learned.
  16. Gotcha! Thanks Kaduk ... Will do going forward!
  17. Just saw her yesterday Bit ... so I did post a review. Sorry for the mess up ... still getting the hang of all of this
  18. My apologies Bit & Thank You gr8owl ... I'm still very new to all this ... so lesson learned. I'll get it right the next time. Still New to hobbying ... That's the girl that I saw gr8owl ... never again.
  19. Savannah Deverioux

    She's definitely worth seeing!!! πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜‰. If you're allergic to cats like me ... May be rough but, her house is clean, she is very sexy & accommodating.
  20. 411 Lynn COS?

    Thanks for the heads up guys .... I was considering contacting both but, not anymore! πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜Ž
  21. Anyone seen her in COS BP?

    Thanks for the information ... I was Leary about going to see her myself. I think I'll pass on this one too.
  22. First time doing this but, I use your info when I do decide .... Thanks Bradahs! ✌🏼️ ______________________________________________________________________ 719-639-6390 TRINITY cached Ad BP Colorado Springs escorts Nov 30, 2015
  23. 411 "MILF next door" COS

    If you do " Wanna " let us know, been checking her out myself! πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ
  24. Brand New To Colorado

    Welcome Rayna πŸ˜‰βœŒπŸΌοΈ Enjoy Colorado!!!