Mistress Claire

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Everything posted by Mistress Claire

  1. Is It OK?

    You are welcomed, Downtime
  2. My penis has no respect.i want to move to Komaki

    Agreed! Lol
  3. Whats your favorite ice cream?

    Rocky Road~ I love taking everything out and eating it by groups!
  4. Happy Birthday NAUGHTY DESTINY!

    I realize I'm super super late on this, but I believe better late than never!! Happy belated Birthday Destiny!
  5. Katie BP

    Lol~ BBW and proud! It is a shame she used some other woman's picture, rather than her own. What is the point in that?? If you have gotten to the door it would have seemed like a B&S. Bait & Switch. I would have been pissed. But it is good that you did your homework and figured it out before hand!
  6. A couple of shorty's

    This was funny
  7. Pregnant providers

    Am I the only one here who thinks maybe her boyfriend/husband and her wanted a baby and decided to make one? You can make CRAZZY amounts while being pregnant for porn and escorting. Is it possible that she got pregnant from some random guy? Yeah, possible but how many women would keep some random dudes kid? There aren't that many who would. So I'm under the impression that this isn't a "oopps" moment. I pray for the parents to be, long nights with no sleep!~ So I have to agree with Bigguy
  8. thank you ladies.

    I love army men, built like a brick house and ready to go long and hard~ Oh my, yes.... Thank you sir, for doing your country proud~
  9. Is It OK?

    I would think so. If you have met her before and you know she does that, I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem.
  10. Not a 411, How to please

    It's a shame it's fake but just picture a world~ a world with no fakes!
  11. Roadtrip!

    They are pretty.... But they need to do something with that website ~ Ignore me, I'm being nit-picky...
  12. Too much info on BP post?

    Shame, I wanted to read it!
  13. Seeing non-reviewed providers

    Follow your guts, not your nuts. If you found a system that works for you, stick with it. I'm a woman who enjoys talking, conversation before an appointment date makes me feel more at ease and I hope it helps my partner feel more at ease too. Reviews or not, if you find a provider who is interested in talking to you, respond to her. Keep the conversation clean, and you won't have to worry about anything.
  14. I have been scammed

    Keep up the great attitude Fred~ Keep positive!
  15. If a woman ask for a picture, this idea kinda falls through if you really want to see her~ But honestly, if you find a woman you want to see and she is kinda flanky toward Black Males, maybe taking her off the list would be a good idea EVEN if you aren't a black male. It just depends on you and how you feel about the situation. But I don't think lying about being black would be a good idea, so if asked and if you want to see the provider, I would just tell the truth. If you get rejected because of your race, well now you know not to contact her and move on to the next girl!
  16. Too much info on BP post?

    I couldn't see the ad
  17. The Blue Pill

    LOL @ FirstTracks I was just thinking that~
  18. I have been scammed

    That is pretty terrible.... I mean, wow. I've asked some of the guys I've seen for help, and if they give me help, I take off that amount if not more for their next appointment unless they request I pay back with cash in which case I do~ BUT I never asked for help when I didn't need it and would never take when I didn't need it! I'm so sorry this has happened to you, you are a very kind person and I hope karma gets them for all the wrong they've done.
  19. No Show Excuse

    I'd say, Give it another try. If there is another excuse to why she can't see you, thank her for talking to you and exit the conversation like a gentleman. With your head held high. Some providers don't come out and say, "I don't want to see you". I guess that is why I'm known as a bitch, because if I don't like the way I'm being talked too or I feel uneasy about someone, I tell them, "Thanks for the interest, but because of this or that, I'm not interested in seeing you." I recently had one of those, "I'm Richy rich" contacting me. Dude would not follow my rules and was just plain cocky toward me. So I told him to piss off in the nicest way possible. I could have scheduled something with him, jerked him around and made excuses left and right, but I don't want that to happen to me, so I don't do it to others!
  20. Crazy Chicks are Fun To Fuck!

    LOL this made me think of something. Christopher Titus - Love is Evol!!
  21. question for the guys

    I don't reject people on how they look. I reject them on how they act like exchanging emails with me. Those, "I'm a fire fighter and I saved lives, I deserve the world." OR "I'm rich and powerful and have so many connections" Those guys, yeah, show boating isn't something I find attractive! I'm actually, very very, modest... So I like my guys to be the same
  22. question for the guys

    I don't blame people for not wanting to see me after reading that. But I am doing what I can to be safe, and everyone has different options on how to do that. Being cute has nothing to do with how I run my business, I'm a complete tight ass and run a strict ship until I'm given the right information. Some people like the fact I ask, I also set things up, like Skype meetings to show people I really am me and not LE; and others are completely put off by me asking, which is fine. I'm not going to force anyone into anything the aren't okay with. If they don't want to send me a picture, I tell them, "Well thank you for the interest, I hope you find what you are looking for." I'm not going to be one of those girls left in a ditch from another faceless person. I see so many girls with "So and so robbed me at gun/knife point" or "Raped" and without a picture, how are we girls going to be safe? So, if asking for a picture makes me a bad person, well, isn't that a shame~ My best advice to people out there is, "If you don't trust me, don't see me." Trust your guts; before your nuts.
  23. Watch: naked Women Shape-Shift into a Car

    The video would not work for me past two seconds. It would give me a sneak peek and nothing else! What a teasing bitch! ROFL!
  24. Dying out on the Eastern Plain, (Not really dying lol)

    I'm South LOL
  25. Ladies, are you doing it wrong?

    I go all superman, grab the center part of the shirt and just pull. All the other clothing items just seem to follow. Then I processed to say, "Me. You. Bam Bam on Bed now!" Nothing seems to get a man hotter than wild caveman language! ROFLLLL~~~~