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Everything posted by JDMurray

  1. Big Game watching

    Agree, the game, and the halftime show was not very exciting.
  2. Great day for homemade chili

    I love anything moist.
  3. Karaoke 101

    Come on, do it. We're a friendly, loving crowd.
  4. Happy Friday!!

    That your did! GrowOmg up on the east coast, I was always surrounded by Pats fans, which I have always been against. I would never put money against Brady. Not the most exciting game, but kudos to them. Cheers!
  5. Happy Friday!!

    Any big plans for people this weekend, except watching the Patriots lose!
  6. Puffies???

    I haven’t met a breast that I didn’t like, but puffies definitely are intriguing and worth exploring. THANKS!
  7. Happy Friday!!

    That’s too bad, hopefully your weekend is still good!
  8. Good morning starts with____?

    I'll speak for myself, but that is why us horny old men come here, isn't it??
  9. The Doom of Thursday

    No, it normally isn't that bad, but just knowing that there are always 5 work days with it. Once again, a positive attitude can get you through practically anything right?
  10. I like this one a lot! As long as you do remember to get that gift.
  11. Happy Friday!!

    Your address please, sounds like quite the spread, except for the part about the game, but you are probably right. Enjoy
  12. Happy Friday!!

    Nice, which hill?
  13. The Doom of Thursday

    I'd have to say Sunday, because the weekend never seems long enough, and on Sunday you know Monday is a coming too quick.
  14. Anyone around Maui

    Thanks, I’ll try! Here until mid May. Not much of a scene here on Maui, but otherwise it is kind of awesome.
  15. Anyone around Maui

    Good Day, and Happy Thursday! Just wondering if there is anything going on in and around Maui these days? Send me a PM, as I may have some time on my hands. Thanks!!
  16. I'm like a sponge. Wherever, whenever I can learn, I try to.
  17. Rather than coming up with the excuse myself, I wait for the window to open up where SO is gone for a certain pre-planned period of time. In my thinking, it minimizes the suspicion. The down side is that I can't go when that urge strikes!!
  18. Good morning starts with____?

    One or two cups of espresso first thing. Then evaluate what's on the docket for the day, hopefully with a positive attitude.
  19. What to watch?

    Damn, I better go and check out the old topics!!
  20. What to watch?

    I quickly read the title of this topic as "Want to Watch" and I couldn't click fast enough!! Still a great topic, and seeing some great suggestions.
  21. Rearview Mirror

    We can wait for the picture, but I have the image already!!
  22. 6 and 7. My 3 skills to master would be piano, welding and scuba diving.
  23. Bored at the airport

    Safe travels. I like to people watch, and try to 'figure them out.' In a fun sort of way.
  24. In praise of the traveling girl

    I get that. I LOVE NYC, but have yet to play there.
  25. In praise of the traveling girl

    WOW, and obviously survived! BRAVE WOMEN!