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Everything posted by ironman318

  1. Considering her affection for all things outdoors and IMHO pleasant demeanor i'd choose Ms. Spice.
  2. Traveling Through Time for Tail

    It's hard to choose just one of the "Bond Girls", but I've gotta go with Ms. Pussy Galore.Galo
  3. 411 on Harmony Tsunami

    Thank you for the assist.
  4. Harmony Tsunami 720-842-7236 Colorado Escort Does anyone have any information on this YL?
  5. 411 on Harmony Tsunami

    Thanks Spice
  6. Bowing out gracefully

    And I for loitering
  7. Got to love a girl "who uses a machete to cut through red tape."
  8. I'm Retired... Take Care One and All!!!

    Whoops, autocorrect I will always be fond of your mammaries.
  9. I'm Retired... Take Care One and All!!!

    I'll always have fond memories of you and I wish you the best in your future endeavors.