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About dipper

  • Rank
    Learning My Way
  • Birthday 05/07/1950
  1. Would you see a bald provider?

    Absolutely I would see her. Although hair can be VERY attractive - depending upon the style, cut, etc., bald would be a turn-on for me. As a matter of fact . . . hmmm, would like to experience that. Guess, I'll have to start a new search.
  2. Colfax Stories

    Moved there - just off Colfax on Pearl St - in the late 60's after high school. WHAT an education for a guy from a small town. Saw my first hooker - streetwalker - whore - whatever. Saw my first wine-o. Saw my first stabbing/murder. Saw my first gay bar - the Pink Elephant. Visited Sid Kings Crazy Horse Bar for the first time. Went to my first adult book store - the ones with the live entertainment booths. Passed out drunk guys were common. Many more memories - I am smiling about them now.
  3. Age check poll

    65. 6' 195. TRYING to age gracefully. Adore mature providers doing the same.
  4. Happy birthday jez

    Happy Birthday Darlin'!!
  5. In my office - blinds open, on my desk looking out to those great Rock Mountains - mmmmm goood! Best Ever. Others: On a picnic table in the park in the middle of town - about 10pm - not a lot of traffic in the park. On a tractor working the fallow - never even slowed down. In the men's room at a country bar, band going full blast - sure other guys knew what was going on - laughed and gave me high fives when it was over. Ahh - the good old days!
  6. Sex in the first car you ever owned.

    My first - a '55 Chevy. I weighed in at about 135 at the time - front seat, back seat seemed so HUGE - would accommodate almost any position you wanted (except standing). Funny, now it seems like there is not near as much room as I remember - of course 60 lbs and a few inches in height reduce the available room.
  7. Reviews

    As an infrequent hobbiest of late, I will - most of the time - leave a review if it qualifies under the "frequency" standard. That said, I chose not to leave a review on an occasion when the provider (well known) and I simply did not connect and the experience was less than anticipated. As I saw it, it was not her fault nor mine. It just didn't work. I have posted reviews on this site only recently (within the last couple of years), and will continue to do so. I find the reviews that others post a valuable tool when I want to see someone new to me. In turn, I review to offer my opinion of a provider's services. Perhaps someone else will find them useful.
  8. Intellect matters - education not so much. Many times I have enjoyed the company of ladies who had no more than a high school education. Many times I have not enjoyed the company of ladies who claim to be "highly educated" but frankly were just full of themselves. To me it matters what they do with what they have.
  9. Me, average Joe. Love women & providers allow me a variety that I otherwise would not experience. No, I don't feel "desperate" but rather lucky that I discovered the hobby 30 years ago. Damn, thinking back on it, I've spent time with a lot of great women!
  10. A poll for guys

    Nope - have never done that. I have cancelled on a couple of occasions thought - legit reasons. Fortunately for me, the lady was understanding and rescheduled. I have had a provider cancel on me though - and it was very apparent that it was for another client. Bummer - did not like it happening to me - therefore will not do it to a provider.
  11. White or Black?????

    White - definitely prefer the classic. That said, black, red and other colors are nice. Dunno - just prefer white.
  12. Your favorite outfit for a girl

    Gotta agree with urfan and geecue2. Love to undress a lady who enjoys dressing like a lady - including the nice bra. My favorite: Lets say you (the subject lady) is going to lunch with a friend at a nice place. You have seen a guy who has peaked your interest at this place on previous visits. You decide to wear something that you feel you look good in and should capture his attention should he notice you. Now I'm not talking about dressing like a street whore here, rather a nice discreet little package that accentuates your positives - and you know what those are. Ahhh yes - the fantasy of mind. Gets my juices flowing.
  13. JEZ

    Happy Birthday Darlin' !!!
  14. Long Hair Or Short Hair

    Short - just long enough to get a good grip - ooohhhh yeahhhh
  15. I believe I get the better end of the deal. I have had the pleasure of meeting some VERY interesting - not to mention gorgeous women with whom I have had great (my opinion) experiences. Simply would not have happened without "The Deal". Thank you ladies, for it has been my pleasure!