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About bolderjesster

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  1. Hot Springs

    Valley View/Orient Land Trust is the best in my humble opinion. Clothing optional, and expect a wide variety of ages and body types. A variety of pools of various temperatures. Some are completely natural, and require a short hike. Other pools are built up, but still very nice. Very laid back vibe, more so than the more developed hot springs. You can rent cabins, rooms, camping spots, or just day-trip. Call ahead to make reservations, as they do fill up.
  2. Has Anyone here tried Golden Max Blue

    Also known as 'Golden Root Max', 'Golden Root 365', or 'Golden Max Blue'. Anyone? Anyone????
  3. Has Anyone here tried Golden Max Blue

    Has anyone on here tried the Golden Max Blue? This is supposedly an herbal alternative to Viagra. A fairly reliable source told me it works wonders, without side effects, and much cheaper than the little blue pill. I'm trying to get more information, as it must be purchased and shipped from the UK. Thanks, in advance.