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Sports: $765,000,000 Is a Big F##KIN' #!!

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Gotta say that so many sports salaries are unbelievable.  Larry Walker used to call it "stupid money" for playing a game.  But as long as fans are willing to pay it will keep happening.  I'm old enough to remember that many pro athletes got second jobs during the off season.  Those days are long gone.  We live in a crazy world...for so many reasons.


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11 hours ago, average1 said:

Gotta say that so many sports salaries are unbelievable.  Larry Walker used to call it "stupid money" for playing a game.  But as long as fans are willing to pay it will keep happening.  I'm old enough to remember that many pro athletes got second jobs during the off season.  Those days are long gone.  We live in a crazy world...for so many reasons.


Speaking about a "crazy world" ... and throwin' around Beaucoup Buck$:

These trust fund babies who own these MLB teams  have inherited more $$$ than God!

Furthermore: The Mets owner Steve Cohen (founder of SAC hedge fund) is the biggest insider-trading thief in the history of Wall Street!

(He's a bigger thief than Bernie Madoff, Michael Milken and Ivan Boesky!)

Shameless thief Steve Cohen, willingly paid, a $1.8 Billion fine for insider trading (the highest in Wall Street history)! 

And, the Biggest Wall Street Insider Trading Thief of All Time ... gets the approval of his fellow trust fund baby MLB owners to purchase the Mets!

(You would think a shameless, emboldened thief of his magnitude would be banished from society!)


What's up wit dat?

(Have they no $hame?)

I musta missed the memo!



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