Savoir Faire

You Look Very Familiar

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I was shopping at the grocery store and I saw this girl working that looked very familiar. I was so curious that I kept walking and looking at her. She was looking at me as well but I wasn't for sure if I had been with her LOL or if she was just a look a like. So I ended up leaving the store without saying a word. I went back to the store today and we damn near bumped into one another. I was face to face so I had no choice but to say, do I know you? She said that she was thinking the same thing, even though she admitted later that she knew exactly where she knew me from but she was more interested in where I was saying I knew her from LMAO. So I wouldn't tell her where I thought I knew her from, which is from a party I attended or from watching a porno movie. She looks just like the girl in the porno. So she tells me exactly where she knows me from and I am like, shit you are so right, how could I forget LOL. So she keeps pressing me for answers to where I thought I knew her from and I would not budge on it. She said she will have to just dream on it LOL, reminds me of this one cat who follows me around on TOB LMAO. I cannot tell a lie, I would love to hit it just once if possible................................ I have to wrestle with telling her or not telling her the next time I see her................... 


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AWESOME!!!! I also was shopping at the food PANTRY and there was FAMILIAR FACES all around me as I go there like 6 times A WEEK!  This one person I KEPT STARING at and finally they came over and SAID can I HELP you.  Well right then I couldn’t answer and I asked if maybe I COULD BE OF ASSISTANCE!  Well sir they kept pressing ME and I wasn’t going to give it up and then I remembered!  Eventually security asked me to leave SO I DID!  True story…….


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18 hours ago, skunkoiraire said:

AWESOME!!!! I also was shopping at the food PANTRY and there was FAMILIAR FACES all around me as I go there like 6 times A WEEK!  This one person I KEPT STARING at and finally they came over and SAID can I HELP you.  Well right then I couldn’t answer and I asked if maybe I COULD BE OF ASSISTANCE!  Well sir they kept pressing ME and I wasn’t going to give it up and then I remembered!  Eventually security asked me to leave SO I DID!  True story…….



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18 hours ago, skunkoiraire said:

AWESOME!!!! I also was shopping at the food PANTRY and there was FAMILIAR FACES all around me as I go there like 6 times A WEEK!  This one person I KEPT STARING at and finally they came over and SAID can I HELP you.  Well right then I couldn’t answer and I asked if maybe I COULD BE OF ASSISTANCE!  Well sir they kept pressing ME and I wasn’t going to give it up and then I remembered!  Eventually security asked me to leave SO I DID!  True story…….



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A LOT more one-sided, this actually did happen to me at Walmart. I recognized a STG provider, this beautiful black woman with an ass too legit too quick visit :lol:. A little, OK a lot more hood than I expected and her friend was even more ghetto fabulous, she was satcheting (?) around there like her shit didn't stink and I would bet a limb it didn't too. Tracking her every step wondering do fries come with that shake, we never locked eyes. Knowing better than to say a word, I soon lost sight of her. Reaching out to her from my burner phone later to confirm it was her, she remembered exactly who I was! LOL Determined to jump my bones snatch them roses, whatever, neither of us could comfortably host. Hoping to soon fulfill my requirements, she was open to me checking in whenever I saw a new ad but couldn't ever make it work. It's been a few years now so, thanks for the reminder. TRUE STORY!


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19 hours ago, skunkoiraire said:

AWESOME!!!! I also was shopping at the food PANTRY and there was FAMILIAR FACES all around me as I go there like 6 times A WEEK!  This one person I KEPT STARING at and finally they came over and SAID can I HELP you.  Well right then I couldn’t answer and I asked if maybe I COULD BE OF ASSISTANCE!  Well sir they kept pressing ME and I wasn’t going to give it up and then I remembered!  Eventually security asked me to leave SO I DID!  True story…….

I can't stop laughing!! :lol:


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1 hour ago, I Dream of Pussy said:


A LOT more one-sided, this actually did happen to me at Walmart. I recognized a STG provider, this beautiful black woman with an ass too legit too quick visit :lol:. A little, OK a lot more hood than I expected and her friend was even more ghetto fabulous, she was satcheting (?) around there like her shit didn't stink and I would bet a limb it didn't too. Tracking her every step wondering do fries come with that shake, we never locked eyes. Knowing better than to say a word, I soon lost sight of her. Reaching out to her from my burner phone later to confirm it was her, she remembered exactly who I was! LOL Determined to jump my bones snatch them roses, whatever, neither of us could comfortably host. Hoping to soon fulfill my requirements, she was open to me checking in whenever I saw a new ad but couldn't ever make it work. It's been a few years now so, thanks for the reminder. TRUE STORY!



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