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Mom chalet this Saturday St Patrick's weekend!

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Had a date cancel. 47 m Looking for a female companion on March 12th.  


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I suspect you might have trouble finding a date….being brand new here and this is your first post.

Good luck!


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Be very careful in taking a provider to that place.  If they suspect in the slightest manner that there is any commerce involved between two guests, they don’t ask nicely if it’s true or look into it,,,they just drop kick the woman in question right over the fence. 
 My advice would be to address the provider by her actual first name there, follow every rule to the letter, and DO NOT try to network the provider, ie; telling ANY OTHER GUEST about her services or hustling any extra biz even if they ask unbeknownst to her being a provider. Don’t give any people y’all meet any info to go squeal at the desk about, that woman up front takes no crap whatsoever and she tends to see the female as the problem immediately. She is rumored to have a couple of “watches” in there as regular guests on busy times that report stuff to her for a free room and visit. One of them i am pretty positive of who it is, and the second one is different each time and could be anyone who’s alone.  There are also women who will act friendly and welcoming and then turn around and get women tossed out that they feel are a “threat” to their thing they do.  

If a guy takes a provider as a gig/date, smart thing to do is make sure she is aware that not a thing takes Place without her consent, and she should probably be checked on or accompanied the whole visit to ensure her safety if she feels it’s best. No phones in common areas, watch for drinks and don’t let them get messed with by anyone.  And if either party is very prone to jealousy or truly not into it themselves…I’d recommend skipping it altogether. 

While I have never been there on business, I have been a few times one of those times being by myself. I love the concept I love the dated rooms, but two outta three of those times, My boundaries were crossed by a certain person who was very easy to spot as a creeper if there at the same time, on two seperate occasions the same person.  Most of the men there are very respectful and would never dream of grabbing someone’s bits from behind with no consent. But there is the one who doesn’t care and acts like a wounded nice guy when he gets his stolen grab…


To each their own for sure, but if it were me I would avoid it and therefore avoid Numerous ways in which it is likely to go South. It says it’s a safe and welcoming place to explore our curiosities, but I left last time feeling kinda like I was considered a snob for not just saying yes to the first shark who circled me and said I was “too hard to resist “


yup. Safe to say I am biased against MC. Probably won’t be back.


Aaand for what it is worth, I DID have the most amazing time on my second visit. Made a cool friend I still talk to, and so did my companion. Not everything sucked :) 


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