
DUI Enforcement

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Just a heads up for everyone.

Driving on the highways today all the electronic signs are stating:

“DUI Enforcement.  What’s your game plan?”

Everyone have a great weekend and be safe out there.



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Best to stay off the road, if you are drinking more than a couple. I have known too many people with DUI's.  It is pretty costly in legal fees, court costs,  fines, breathalyzer fees, breathalyzer equipment checks, license re-instatement, etc. That one drink that put you over,  is worth thousands. I would rather save it for the girls. Plus have you ever tried to do one of those breathalyzers. I had a friend who had just finished his interlock time. So I tried to start it. It took me like 4 times to do all the things you have to do right. I was sober as a judge.


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Why would anyone drink and drive anymore?

driver apps are awesome!


dont fiorget to tip


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18 hours ago, Alex Majors said:

 have you ever tried to do one of those breathalyzers.

        Got pulled over just a few blocks from home,they thought i was drunk and made me do one of those.told them why do that,I haven't had a drink since the early 1970s. (which is a fact ). Cop called me a liar,did that test and i registered zero on it. He said it was the first time anyone told the truth. told him i as diabetic,he called an ambulance to check my blood sugar levels and they came up high. took me to Lutheran to get my blood sugar down. Cost me an ambulance ride,hospital costs and a taxi back to my car. Seems the bartender gave me regular coke instead of diet coke at the strip club I was at.

Morale to this  true story..make sure your designated driver isn't being fed sugary drinks he/she can't handle.


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Drive Uber last night and Friday night.

Lots of ambulance, fire truck and police activity last night.  I saw at least 12 incidences.

But not one checkpoint. I bet they will be out in force tonight.


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1 hour ago, ilovewomen said:


But not one checkpoint. I bet they will be out in force tonight.

Be careful out there I hear @BadBoy will have a check point set up for female offenders::

  • "Miss you will need to blow on this"

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11 minutes ago, Kaduk said:

Be careful out there I hear @BadBoy will have a check point set up for female offenders::

  • "Miss you will need to blow on this"



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I'm one of those permanent "designated drivers" so the thing I worry about is other folks on the road and how they are driving.  Especially on certain days, holidays or special event days.

Wishing everyone a great Superbowl Sunday with lots of fun while staying safe.


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Drove Uber Saturday night until 2 am.  

Saw lots of ambulances and fire trucks.  One ambulance on 8th ave headed to Denver General with a DPD car following with lights and sirens. A few DPD and Englewood cars engaged with drivers who apparently was doing somehting wrong.  All in all maybe 15 or so incidences.

But no DUI checkpoints.


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On ‎2‎/‎2‎/‎2020 at 11:00 AM, Kaduk said:

Be careful out there I hear @BadBoy will have a check point set up for female offenders::

  • "Miss you will need to blow on this"

You are on notice that this is an unauthorized use of the BadBoytm  name, which is trademarked.  I have no plans to set up check points.  Check points have always made me very nervous.


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For those of you saying "no more than a drink or two", keep in mind that the limit in CO is 0.05%, not 0.08% like many other places. And the "common wisdom" of "one drink per hour" is actually "one drink per three hours" - and most individual drinks are actually closer two "standard drinks". So if you have had a drink in less than three hours, you're almost certainly over the legal limit. By the time you feel ANYTHING, you're already over the limit. And Colorado law doesn't allow DAs to cut you a break. Not worth the risk. If you drive - then no drinks at all. If you can afford our hobby, you can afford a Lyft. Be safe everyone!


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On 2/1/2020 at 0:00 PM, Alex Majors said:

Best to stay off the road, if you are drinking more than a couple. I have known too many people with DUI's.  It is pretty costly in legal fees, court costs,  fines, breathalyzer fees, breathalyzer equipment checks, license re-instatement, etc. That one drink that put you over,  is worth thousands. I would rather save it for the girls. Plus have you ever tried to do one of those breathalyzers. I had a friend who had just finished his interlock time. So I tried to start it. It took me like 4 times to do all the things you have to do right. I was sober as a judge.

Had a buddy stop by after work one day, he had 1 beer before heading home to take his son to a baseball game, 5 min away from my house he got rear-ended by a older lady, while exchanging info police arrived and the lady goes off on the officer that my friend was drunk ( guess she smelled the beer on his breath while talking) officer does breathalyzer on him and he fails...She doesn't get ticketed for the accident and he ended up with a DUI.. 

So yes 1 drink CAN get you busted in Colorado, officer said he felt bad about it but the woman wanted to make sure he was charged so he had no choice.  Download the Uber app on your phone and ALWAYS  use it whenever you've been drinking!


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I was stopped at U.S. Highway 50 and CO Highway 115 in Penrose, CO. Last evening by the Co State Patrol. It was a Routine DL, Insurance and alcohol.check. The trooper was respectful. I was released after 15 minutes.


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