
Being New Sucks

105 posts in this topic

Thanks, Audrey, it all worked out for the best.  I guess I wanted everyone to be reminded how difficult it can be for someone new who had no idea this can be difficult.  I ended up lucking our on the ended as I had a great actual experience and learned a lot about myself in the process.


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8 hours ago, PieluvinTexan said:

Something here just doesn’t pass the smell test. Either this guy has the worst luck ever or I’ve got the best luck ever. This guy has 2 no shows in the same week. I’ve had 1 no show in 4 years of hobbying. Maybe it’s because every lady I decide to call each have impeccable reputations so if I were the OP I would start looking at a different type of provider than the ones that he is calling but that just me.

WOW! I have had 2 no shows in ONE day!


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48 minutes ago, Audrey Astor said:

I bet the guys can recommend someone good for you.;)



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18 minutes ago, Plot said:

Thanks, Audrey, it all worked out for the best.  I guess I wanted everyone to be reminded how difficult it can be for someone new who had no idea this can be difficult.  I ended up lucking our on the ended as I had a great actual experience and learned a lot about myself in the process.

RIGHT on Brother! Let me know if you need any advice?

Bad advice is still free! :D


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45 minutes ago, a_happycamper_12 said:

WOW! I have had 2 no shows in ONE day!

The second NCNS was totally understandable.  Guess that’s a good example of why we don’t blast people by name in the forum. She turned out to be a really sweet young woman.   


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I’m waiting for this thread to die


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5 hours ago, Plot said:

The second NCNS was totally understandable.  Guess that’s a good example of why we don’t blast people by name in the forum. She turned out to be a really sweet young woman.   

Nope!!!! there is absolutely no excuse for a NCNS. It’s very easy to call and cancel or at the very least shoot a text to cancel. Ladies are livid when if we NCNS them so it goes both ways. Communication people !!!!


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I’d agree normally, and I’m a bit cynical.  This, however seemed genuine 


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1 hour ago, ilovewomen said:

I’m waiting for this thread to die

Then don’t read it?  


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On 5/4/2018 at 0:53 PM, Kaduk said:

Just a note;

Conversation exchanges needs to stay general in scope with No mentioning of names.

@Plot  --  sorry,   I didn't know that was a rule . . .

@Kaduk     thanks for commenting . . .


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No worries


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On 5/3/2018 at 8:28 PM, Plot said:

She had one maybe and the rest were good reviews 


On 5/4/2018 at 7:11 AM, Plot said:

She deleted her profile.  

Well, Plot I see you actually posted a no show review.  Therefore my apology for questioning the main thrust of the claim.  

Now about the level of apology - ass kissing.  Not so fast:

She had two no shows and a maybe out of 7.  She is a lady that is around briefly and then disappears for a while and takes listings - not profile - down until she is back.  So half of the things that bothered me about your story were indeed not quite right.  So the only way you get an ass kissing on this one is:


Image result for kissing a jackass

But maybe I can get him to waive the fee at least. 

So - sorry and better luck next time B)


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I appreciate it.  Lessons learned, and ready to move on.  


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Just had this happen in Houston and the eccie trolls on ourhome2 trolled me for saying anything it's a big joke I miss y'all guys I really do fasta ruined everything y'all were so great


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If i had a nickle for everytime that happens on our end id be retired!! But dont let one bad apple keep you from eating the pie..... 



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