Lucy Kitten

Another One Bites The Dust...Maybe?

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TNA wont load, it gives a bad gateway error and they have deleted all their tweets. For the love of all things hooker holy I hope TNA comes back. They were a great and very useful site.


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After their King County, WA issues, what 2 years ago?

Agreed, TNA has been a valuable resource. 

Thanks for keeping us posted, Lucy. 


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1 minute ago, Bit Banger said:

After their King County, WA issues, what 2 years ago?

Agreed, TNA has been a valuable resource. 

Thanks for keeping us posted, Lucy. 

And again this year. It's been two years since TRB was taken down but there was another HUGE bust in Belleview as sort of a follow up. 

It's been a rough few years for our resources. Date Check and RS2K (same owner) were compromised this year too. 


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40 minutes ago, Lucy Kitten said:

And again this year. It's been two years since TRB was taken down but there was another HUGE bust in Belleview as sort of a follow up. 

It's been a rough few years for our resources. Date Check and RS2K (same owner) were compromised this year too. 

Wow!!! They are taking all resources! Time to build your list of Ladies,  Keep numbers And Say Hello NOW just encase the boards are gone when we wake up :(


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Nooooooooo!!!!!! I love TNA Mr J has always been kind and professional!


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21 minutes ago, Chrissy said:

Wow!!! They are taking all resources! Time to build your list of Ladies,  Keep numbers And Say Hello NOW just encase the boards are gone when we wake up :(

This is one of the reasons I strongly suggest more providers start utilizing Twitter. At least for now, it seems like everything we use in jeopardy here soon. The battle for net neutrality and the ruthless pursuing of BackPage leave our internet future in question. 

It's free it's global and there is already a huge network of sex workers and clients there. 


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7 minutes ago, EmilyDMV said:

Nooooooooo!!!!!! I love TNA Mr J has always been kind and professional!

TNA had lots of loyal fans. I was one of them. They've always been so great and helpful and they've sent a lot of business my way over the years. I sincerely hope they come back and this is just a temporary scare because of what happened to Eros. 


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Just now, Lucy Kitten said:

TNA had lots of loyal fans. I was one of them. They've always been so great and helpful and they've sent a lot of business my way over the years. I sincerely hope they come back and this is just a temporary scare because of what happened to Eros. 

I hope so too, it's the only board left in the PNW.


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24 minutes ago, Lucy Kitten said:

TNA had lots of loyal fans. I was one of them. They've always been so great and helpful and they've sent a lot of business my way over the years. I sincerely hope they come back and this is just a temporary scare because of what happened to Eros. 

Has the definition of net neutrality expanded? From what I know/remember it’s thst all content is treated the same and so ISPs can’t charge more for it. The argument in favor of BP reminds me of megaupload and how that site was ultimately destroyed because while it was only a hosting site people still uploaded tons of illegally obtained content. Where as sites like TNA and TOB for that matter are built solely for the purpose of openly facilitating an illegal activity front and center. If you google TNA “escort” shows in the byline. The SEO for TOB has reached the point that if you google “Denver escorts” it’s the #1 hit. 

I know you’re up on it, so can you clarify or expound on this? 


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The recent arguments on 'net neutrality' have been about quantity rather than content, i.e. Comcast can't charge Netflix more for access because of their streaming bandwidth. 


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15 minutes ago, Bit Banger said:

The recent arguments on 'net neutrality' have been about quantity rather than content, i.e. Comcast can't charge Netflix more for access because of their streaming bandwidth. 

Thanks. I just wanted to make sure I was correct in my thinking. 


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Oh crap. Well, there are some definite changes going on in this business. I wasn't around for the Oyster or Yellow Pages days, but I suppose this equates to the changes that those ladies must have been feeling when everything started gearing to internet marketing. I plan to build a ton of SEO into my website.



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I have been messaging friends in Seattle and Portland. A few of the guys are hoping it's Mr. J doing system upgrades, but that info is always given out before such an interruption. Most the ladies are thinking it has everything to do with the Eros raid. And isn't Eros back online? Since it's operating within a Swiss domain.

I am so out of loop since I do not twitter or use other forms of social medias. I'm currently only relying on friends updating me. As of now, everyone in the pacific north west involved in the TNA community are actively chatting on twitter with what is potentially going on. As a good number of ladies have had twitter accounts. I guess(?) I will need to crawl out from under my rock and  get current with social media resources?!?!

Mr. J is a smart guy. He is abiding with in the laws and protecting himself, and hopefully the community if pulling the plug early on TNA. Quite certain this is nothing like the TRB demise. Toehead Ted was a total douche bag and conducted his business that way! The feds had no mercy and leniency for his arrogance and what he was up to!!!

But if TNA is done, f*#k it is a very very sad day! It was so much more than pooning. It was a big community where all types of people came together for discussing on everything and anything! And it was a great connection for like minded people to get together on so many different kinds of adventures!!! I have made several friendships on TNA throughout the years. F*#k I am really bummed if it is no more..............


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making lots of people damn nervous being out of commission for over 24 hours!!!!!



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Was there a reason for the site being down?


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guess the memo was given out a week ago. all the chatter of tom foolery amongst ladies and gentlemen the repair work was all forgotten about:D!


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1 hour ago, parkercole said:


making lots of people damn nervous being out of commission for over 24 hours!!!!!


I was sick because I stood to lose my reviews but thought it would be tacky to mention it but I was sweating bullets. 


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What is this TNA of which you all speak?  Would anyone mind sending me a sign up link?


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16 hours ago, parkercole said:


guess the memo was given out a week ago. all the chatter of tom foolery amongst ladies and gentlemen the repair work was all forgotten about:D!

Doesn't explain why they deleted all their tweets. Maybe there was a memo but it seems kind of a big coincidence that everyone forgot. I'm glad their back but I don't think it was as simple as people just forgetting. 


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If you aren't using social media/twitter, I'd advise you at least get signed up.  Take your time and get acclimated, be as discreet or out there as you feel comfortable with.  I have been really impressed with still being able to reach so much of the community, news, marketing, advertising, and having some pleasant fun.  Given the recent nervousness that abounds, I'm really glad I got on there a few months ago.




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18 hours ago, Lucy Kitten said:

Doesn't explain why they deleted all their tweets. Maybe there was a memo but it seems kind of a big coincidence that everyone forgot. I'm glad their back but I don't think it was as simple as people just forgetting. 

I'm not sure what the conspiracy may be Lucy?

What I did was reached out to several people who I consider friends on TNA. One of these is a moderator. What I gathered in my exchange of messages was a few things. One, it was a scheduled maintenance announced last week. Another mentioned it as a malicious software attack. And the latest info I've gotten is the board was down along with quite a few many other boards in the U.S. because of the server/webhosting having a blackout and no power and everything crashed and went down. So a power companies outage affected many many websites useless for long periods of time. Something that was not foreseen! The latter was eventually confirmed through a moderator from Mr. J.

On a personal level I'd be affected greatly if TNA were to go away! As it is the source that I depend on as I travel to the pac nor west 4/5 times out of the year. It's a very active and tight knit community. Most all info of meet and greets, holiday parties, legion of bang events, and lady social gatherings are disseminated there.

There will be a time when TNA may not exist? As the laws are a changing. From my understanding the senate also passed a law which now makes the owners of websites accountable for 3rd party content and declaring all escorts as ‘human trafficking victims’, so basically the thing that allowed this community to exist is gone. So the future will be interesting for us all........


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1 hour ago, parkercole said:

I'm not sure what the conspiracy may be Lucy?

What I did was reached out to several people who I consider friends on TNA. One of these is a moderator. What I gathered in my exchange of messages was a few things. One, it was a scheduled maintenance announced last week. Another mentioned it as a malicious software attack. And the latest info I've gotten is the board was down along with quite a few many other boards in the U.S. because of the server/webhosting having a blackout and no power and everything crashed and went down. So a power companies outage affected many many websites useless for long periods of time. Something that was not foreseen! The latter was eventually confirmed through a moderator from Mr. J.

On a personal level I'd be affected greatly if TNA were to go away! As it is the source that I depend on as I travel to the pac nor west 4/5 times out of the year. It's a very active and tight knit community. Most all info of meet and greets, holiday parties, legion of bang events, and lady social gatherings are disseminated there.

There will be a time when TNA may not exist? As the laws are a changing. From my understanding the senate also passed a law which now makes the owners of websites accountable for 3rd party content and declaring all escorts as ‘human trafficking victims’, so basically the thing that allowed this community to exist is gone. So the future will be interesting for us all........

Just playing devil’s advocate here...

So the site unexpectedly went down during planned downtime due to power loss for the servers, but at some point was thought to be a malware issue. A memo went out but so far members of this board that are members of that board don’t remember seeing any mention of it. The site comes back up and the social media content, housed elsewhere has been pulled. 

People on this site get spooked when a new member comes on asking suspect questions, but this doesn’t seem odd at all? 


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2 hours ago, JoDoe27 said:

Just playing devil’s advocate here...

So the site unexpectedly went down during planned downtime due to power loss for the servers, but at some point was thought to be a malware issue. A memo went out but so far members of this board that are members of that board don’t remember seeing any mention of it. The site comes back up and the social media content, housed elsewhere has been pulled. 

People on this site get spooked when a new member comes on asking suspect questions, but this doesn’t seem odd at all? 


That's all I'm saying. It's just a little odd. I like TNA very much and am not trying to accuse them of anything, it was just bizarre. And the second/third/forty-seventh hand knowledge just adds to to the confusion.  First it was routine maintenance and then the story changed. Sources want to be reliable but really aren't. Twitter has the same problem with Eros, multiple sources and all had different insider info. Conflicting advice too. 

It's different for advertisers too. It gets stressful as we continue to lose ad sites. We also give up a lot of info to some of these sites. TNA has a copy of my ID so when they. disappear like that I get a little suspicious. It's just hard not to. If TOB went away for a day on accident users would FREAK OUT. No ads for ladies to post no reviews for guys to read. 





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