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First Penis Transplant

10 posts in this topic

Medical advancements and breakthroughs are so Amazing!

How awesome for this man, and others with pelvic injuries and genital cancers. I love technology and innovation!

If all goes well...I'm sure this will make him feel like a normal man again. I hope all the functions return quickly.

Quality of Life is extremely important for all people ;-)


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oh My Lord....the first add-a-dick-to-me aka adadictomy


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Good for him for being so open about something most men would be totally embarrassed about.  Also, in my opinion,  helping soldiers with these or any other  transplants should always be free. I can only imagine what it must be like for these guys. It's their manhood. Perhaps similar to women and their breasts removed or having their reproductive organs removed. Women however do not need those particular parts to go to the bathroom,  so for men, I'd imagine the lack of a Penis for even that would do something to the psyche. 


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3 hours ago, Kashmir said:

Now this is truly being devoted to having sex.


I wonder if 2Big has 'organ donor' checked on his license :D


I'm aware that this board is "devoted to sex," and encourages a light-hearted approach to it to boot.  However, for this guy and all the 18-30 year olds who stepped on an IED and had their cock and balls blown off, I'd suggest that this has far, far less to do with "having sex" than it does with identity, self image and hope. 


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12 minutes ago, Happymon said:

I'm aware that this board is "devoted to sex," and encourages a light-hearted approach to it to boot.  However, for this guy and all the 18-30 year olds who stepped on an IED and had their cock and balls blown off, I'd suggest that this has far, far less to do with "having sex" than it does with identity, self image and hope. 

I agree with you. It is no different than a woman having breast reconstructive surgery after cancer. There is nothing wrong with wanting to keep your ability to have sex or your sexuality. As Scarlett said, "Quality of Life is extremely important for all people". I whole heartedly believe sex and intimacy is vital for being happy. There is nothing wrong with being devoted to having sex. There is nothing wrong with wanting to feel like a complete person.


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I eagerly await the day when they make body parts detachable. Then we can have limitless options of parts to play with, or heck, rent them out for the weekend! :-D


Samantha Sheppard


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Ya, I agree, medical advances are great. That man is brave to go on tv and announce his recovery. Sex is probably not the first thing on his mind. Just  physically going to the bathroom, the scars must be horrible.  


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^ That song is going to be stuck in my head all day. Loved it when it first was first released ...now it's a brain itch.


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