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Everything posted by Calisurfgirl

  1. Deposits… I wonder why

    So I have a question for the gentlemen “hobbyists” that contact a provider like myself and inquire about an appointment, session, any synonym you wish to utilize. Describing what will potentially take place whatever synonym you wish to utilize it is a “SERVICE”. Gentlemen, when you make a reservation, whether for the same day or in advance at any reputable restaurant what do they require you to do? I’ll answer that question for you. They require you to put a form of payment (card) to reserve your future existing reservation. Because if you fail to cancel within a certain amount of time whether it being 24 hours or less, they will charge you the deposit $50 whatever that establish has set as the deposit if you no-show, or if you just I don’t know failed to take in consideration that they could’ve actually booked another person to sit in your seat enjoy the ambience and find dining around them. when you go to a barber or any service for that matter, anything that requires a person to either come to you or for you to go to them most reputable businesses if not, all require a credit card or form a payment to put down along with the knowledge that if you do not show up and or if you flake, whatever life may throw you that day that that business will charge you XYZ as the terms discussed. When someone wants to go ahead and say, what are you doing next Tuesday? Deposit required. I really can’t do an outcall, I would prefer an incall. Great fantastic not every single provider lives out of other accommodations most or the vast majority live in their homes which they may not want to entertain in because I don’t know their children, a significant other maybe because their neighbors are nosy. Do you really expect someone to pay for something decent at least $150 and that’s without the incidental. Out of their pocket for you or any other individual to have life happen to them whether a valid excuse or not and just be like OK it’s all right. I can deal with it. Maybe most can do that but not in this hobby, if if you have not already made this distinction, most persons that provide within this hobby it’s not a hobby it is actually employment. It is a business. I just wanna know. Do you really think it’s a stretch for a provider to ask for a deposit because it’s not.
  2. Taking a Bow

    I have come to the conclusion that it is about time to retire. I am within reach of the goal(s) I have set for myself when I had made the cognitive decision to become a discrete private companion “provider”. The other board continues to provide a safe platform for individuals to explore what some consider taboo but I consider almost a type of therapeutic community. Hobbyist and Providers finding friendship, questions answered, and in some cases marriages resurrected. Men and women engaging in conversation within the forum subtext answering each others questions gaining perspectives that prior had limited knowledge or experience with. I will miss the many hobbyists that I have had the privilege to meet here and in person. So many conversations that were organic blossoming into friendships that will extend past the posted listings. I want to thank all of you for your respectful means of communication and discretion while on the site. My retirement will commence at the beginning of the new year. Hope to become acquainted with some members that I may have missed due to timing, relationships, life etc. and hopefully rekindlling a moment or two with some familiar faces. Once again that your all member so the board for providing a safe platform.
  3. A funeral. Your wife or husbands funeral.
  4. Taking a Bow

    I most certainly will. I have made lifelong relationships with many of you. At least now when asked or coffee the donation will go to the server as a tip.
  5. So I have been off the board or at the very least not actively participating. My profile and the auto-bump listing did what always does, runs off an algorithm, Poof then we magically appear. This utter lack of participation in the hobby was because I like all of have done at least the lucky ones, fell in love. A love that was different from any other one that wanted me to be the best version of me. I found that it would have contradicted all I felt and worked toward if I had been on TOB either listing or to the extent of having a casual conversation within the forum. You can’t expect monogamy from someone and yet not practice it. So I have neglected the board and the friends I have made since establishing an account within the community for that I am truly apologetic. I promise that I will not do so again so message me , call, text, send a carrier pigeon I promise to those that do I will reply. Have a good evening TOB. XoXo
  6. What? Hmm??

    Established or "seasoned" hobbyists are accustom to a standard of conversation "etiquette" between interested party (them) seeking the company with a provider they have expressed interest in. Respectful hobbyists are aware that most providers are not sitting by the phone already showered, cosmetics applied, perfumed, with legs crossed heels on when they (hobbyists) text, call or email a provider. They understand we (providers) have a plethora of circumstances, situations, variables or in lamiens terms "life" continuously happening as well. Maybe this is because we are a business not a product. Why then the nuance or trend to have hobbyists not all but more than a few. Texting short prompts not inquiring but instead"rates?, deposit?, and there personal needs. Receiving points for punctuation, this being the only positive I can render from above example. Most living in modern society make allowances for everyday introductions. Hello, My name is _______ , etc. Providers are not listed items on a menu "al a carte" to have delivered like an Amazon prime purchase. Each provider has there means of verification which creates independent providers a level of comfort when scheduling with a new hobbyist or an ATF hobbyist , disclosing intimate details is not a minor task for us. It may seem to some hobbyists that providers are being difficult or requesting to much. I ask you then to contemplate for a moment. If I (hobbyist) were receiving inquiries requiring responses about personal and/or intimate details, or were driving to a unfamiliar location (private residence or hotel) to meet a person whom you had never met. What would your requirements be to achieve a required level of security and comfort. Curiosity should not lack anyone's ability to be courteous and respectful.
  7. Learning Curve

    I guess, actually I am guilty of being a romantic. I now believe that Walt Disney and his “happy ever after” is a recipe for disaster, that all little girls at some point and degree have fantasized about. As adults it is truly rooted within our subconscious as we try to navigate through life. Stumbling into relationships whether they are fleeting or arguably comparable to the NYC marathon. In either instance we fall, believing up until injury that we believe we are well aware and cautious while we trek within new terrain. When the relationship ends we look back and see the entirety the full scope, whether the time you spent with the other person was only seconds, minutes, months and/or years Riddled with numerous warning signs but we all avoid them because of one word… HOPE , hope of achieving that “Happy Ever After”. My question is why do we all believe in Walt Disney scenarios when we stop believing in the tooth fairy, Santa Claus and the Easter bunny? I would love to hear your opinion upon the subject?
  8. Ladies Beware

    Ladies there is a man that is texting me, it is a bandwidth number, meaning it is a VOIP. He will ask you if you are your name within the site. I, stated call me. Waited for ten minutes then, called. He states that he is from San Francisco and that he works in the restaurant industry in Wyoming, but came down to Denver to see girls, but all of them have flaked. He is absolutely LE and when asked he will start screaming. Be careful ladies, several very thick and/or predominant accented Hispanic men are contacting myself that are either LE or the latter dangerous. Especially if they are going to Jason Borne measures to engage and secure appointments.
  9. Learning Curve

    “The Rose Colored Glasses” I understand the concept with my own contribution to the survival of the fittest or the phrase I have in quotes above with absolute certainty. I may even have the shoe tread left on me from getting walkover. I take accountability for sure. I allowed whatever to happen, happen. What you unlined survival of the fittest. See my exes are doing just that surviving not actual living. There is a reason why even though the lion is consider to be the alpha of all alpha not because they hunt. No, male lions don’t but because they can procreate and create life. Not care for it. If we were to actually live like that of a lion most men wouldn’t survive long enough to have that luscious mane and a pride to look after if we were Lions. You might and a hand full of others . Most women would not be able to either. I am a millennial I think through the day when observing random asinine things my generation does without reason or worry of consequence, pondering are you that person who had their exhausted parent drag them out of the pool while it is lightning or wrangled the metal fork from there small toddler hand while it was approaching the inside of a plugged in toaster. Lol
  10. Weird

    So as a provider I have been on here since 2017 and whenever we ladies listing post (as I am sure many providers would agree) we get a plethora of calls or text messages. So today like any other day since some of us are on auto repost my listing goes up. What I find strange is that I have gotten four texts. Normally a provider if she is a reputable one can post once for two weeks and get numerous texts, as this has been the case until this week. Ladies or gentlemen what is going on. The vibe is strange. Can anyone else relate.
  11. Your first world nemesis.

    To be honest I am my own worst enemy a majority of the time. I do not have easily diagnosed issues that can be with hard work remedied, I am not fighting demons like addiction or daddy issues. I fight against logical reason and the generated, almost constant value that other individuals express. Silence to most is the loudest enemy. Myself, on the other hand find it to be "my happy place". To retreat within the catacombs of my mind is great, unfortunately I am by definition analytical so by comparison my mind works like the game Tetris.
  12. Your first world nemesis.

    I prefer the word adversary. Adversary comes from Latin advertere, meaning "to turn toward." Because if your my opponent that would state you could possibly be a worthy opponent. At the very least the time required to participate would either entertain or educate me either way I prefer to tackle any given task or person directly, without distraction. Intelligence is a far greater weapon when you find respect not just for the action but also for your competitor.
  13. Before deciding upon the title of this topic, I had to take several deep meditative breathes in through the nose and slowly exhaling, exiting the mouth. Repeating this several times until I grounded myself so I can respectfully inquire another providers perspective or that of the hobbyist. Question 1: As hobbyists when reaching out to, engaging and exchanging pleasantries, to expect the provider to accommodate the hobbyist because he is compartmentalize or generating unrealistic stereotypes? (Example Below) I will provide an analogy we can all understand to an extent or degree. If you are planning a trip to denver and are looking at accommodations on priceline and/or some other site that generates listing for lodging in the area. You see the Hyatt Regency in DTC with ⭐️⭐️⭐️, then the Motel 6 in lakewood with ⭐️ 1/2 stars, or lastly the Four Seasons Ritz-Carlton with ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 1/2 is it fair to believe that yes they all provide lodging but is it fair to ask the Ritz-Carlton to accept the Motel 6 denomination. Question 2: Does the hobbyist believe that since he is recognized as the term used here and some other similar sites as "HOBBYIST" that we as providers see this as a hobby and not a means to take care of a plethora of everyday responsibilities like yourself? That the provider is filing a schedule C as an independent contractor or other related title used to describe a brand or business? (EXAMPLE BELOW) If I made an appointment at a trendy hair salon, after researching salons in the area if looked at criteria like who provided the best service that I particularly required , excellent reviews and generated amazing results providing a superb experience at the time of my intinal contact to the completion of appointment. But I as a patron understand that they are limited on time to see a person like additional employment/engagements outside of the salon but as a patron if I book an appointment and then unsuccessfully am unable to go for what ever reason. Do you know what happens? Ask your wife or girlfriend. They charge your for thr service because it is time the preserved for me a a patron and I failed to make it. That's business and they as a business have that right to do so. Because of the listed reasons I wanted them to provide services to my hair. This is why most require deposits because it is not a hobby to the provider. That is why a provider is not a hobbyist. The use and actual definition of either word honesty should not have to be rendered a requirement within TOB backpage, Tryst sites like that i could understand but not here of all places. Right!
  14. What's Your Perspective?

    I would love to draft and outline a probationary format and/or propose some ideas that I would be advantageous to both sides of the "coin". I use that term as an analogy to describe hobbyist and providers. A US quarter has one side with the portrait of our first president, George Washington. Which if it were a coin toss would be recognized as "heads".. The other side of the clad coated, copper and nickel mixed coin is a landscape or image that depicts a staple, commemoration of American history. The opposite side of ridged/grooved edged coin is known to all as "tails". Both are equal except in weight, both a polar, opposite but necessity, indispensable to generate a Quarter. So we all do respect, a provider is not to be viewed or stereotyped as beneath, weaker, subservient too. I ask this following question to persons that contact myself, who are less than cordial. "Do you know the first rule of negotiation"? (I wait for the persons response) Then I ask if they would like to know the answer. The answer is, "Whoever speaks first has the disadvantage". Then I follow up with a final question. "Did I contact you first" ? --------------------------------- (the moment of silence, followed by the vivid realization , OMG the epiphany, ). She, I, softly speak. Thank you, once again for your inquiry. (Now the curtains fall, the room darkens lol, and scene LOL) I provide adequate time for them to absorb what just happened. Lastly state, please call me when you are ready to actively participate/utilize what you had just learned. Intelligence, beauty and my classic Ray-Ban Glasses don't hurt either. Have been told within my career field of study that nothing is sexier.
  15. Before deciding upon the title of this topic, I had to take several deep meditative breathes in through the nose and slowly exhaling, exiting the mouth. Repeating this several times until I grounded myself so I can respectfully inquire another providers perspective or that of the hobbyist. Question 1: As hobbyists when reaching out to, engaging and exchanging pleasantries, to expect the provider to accommodate the hobbyist because he is compartmentalize or generating unrealistic stereotypes? (Example Below) I will provide an analogy we can all understand to an extent or degree. If you are planning a trip to denver and are looking at accommodations on priceline and/or some other site that generates listing for lodging in the area. You see the Hyatt Regency in DTC with ⭐️⭐️⭐️, then the Motel 6 in lakewood with ⭐️ 1/2 stars, or lastly the Four Seasons Ritz-Carlton with ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 1/2 is it fair to believe that yes they all provide lodging but is it fair to ask the Ritz-Carlton to accept the Motel 6 denomination. Question 2: Does the hobbyist believe that since he is recognized as the term used here and some other similar sites as "HOBBYIST" that we as providers see this as a hobby and not a means to take care of a plethora of everyday responsibilities like yourself? That the provider is filing a schedule C as an independent contractor or other related title used to describe a brand or business? (EXAMPLE BELOW) If I made an appointment at a trendy hair salon, after researching salons in the area if looked at criteria like who provided the best service that I particularly required , excellent reviews and generated amazing results providing a superb experience at the time of my intinal contact to the completion of appointment. But I as a patron understand that they are limited on time to see a person like additional employment/engagements outside of the salon but as a patron if I book an appointment and then unsuccessfully am unable to go for what ever reason. Do you know what happens? Ask your wife or girlfriend. They charge your for thr service because it is time the preserved for me a a patron and I failed to make it. That's business and they as a business have that right to do so. Because of the listed reasons I wanted them to provide services to my hair. This is why most require deposits because it is not a hobby to the provider. That is why a provider is not a hobbyist. The use and actual definition of either word honesty should not have to be rendered a requirement within TOB backpage, Tryst sites like that i could understand but not here of all places. Right!
  16. What's Your Perspective?

    Thank you, your observation and reply are appreciated. Great minds think alike. Because if the Ritz-Carlton is evaluating set terms, a standard above most it should actuallyprovide services to those whom wish to stay there, seamlessly every time. Continuing with this analogy. The Ritz-Carlton receives their guests without hiccups, the photographs of their rooms are updated, and accurate, they're linen is crisp, clean, and thread count is impeccable. The conversation is intelligent and compliments the ambiance That is why you do not see gangbangers staying at the Ritz-Carlton unless they have a premium recording contract producing platinum albums. In reply to Mr Pink, I stated, "I can't speak for other providers but I will speak for myself". I wish we could play Never Have I Ever. If we could, I would say with confidence never have I ever canceled an appointment when someone was on their way. Never have I ever been sitting in a bathroom flicking a lighter, behaving unstable. Never have I ever disrespected the person that was so interested in scheduling with me. I would not mind rendering compensation to the Ritz-Carlton. I found it ironic and amusing the use of doctor's office anology, most hobbyist the very least those that have either inquired or scheduled with myself know my career path away from this site or hobby. As frustrated as I am, knowing the investment. That hobbys and trends are generally temporary. Provided a ear to ear grin 😁 on my face which is actually me. No need to email Nev from the popular show on MTV, "catfish".
  17. What's Your Perspective?

    Mr Pink , I always enjoy our banter throughout the course of my attendance and active participation on this board. I applaud you, because at least you are genuine and authentic you don't skate around your own opinion. But both of the analogies was to maybe put in perspective without offending a provider or providers actually or hobbyist, guests that are perusing the site. To accommodate the rules and guidelines that we as Community must follow while on the site. The "hobbyist", have more generosity with what they are allowed to ask and or state within the parameters of the site as we all well know. Even though it's not your exchange of funds that's required on the site that is reserved for the "provider." I'm not going on a rant, or a tangent. I'm just frustrated. Also it is very easy to discern that analogy both of them Priceline would be considered this site lodging would be considered the activities that the site is home too. The hotels are considered to be the providers listing on this site myself included. But as a gentleman the other hobbyist so eloquently stated when replying to this topic if the Ritz-Carlton provides absolute Ritz-Carlton the entire time from the initial contact to the conclusion of that session seamlessly. Meaning the ambiance, the details, the conversation, the companionship, that includes hygiene, Etc. And the photographs like that of Priceline actually 100% render the person on the other side of the door that you are going to see. The reviews may even understate how great of an experience the Ritz-Carlton is. That's what I'm saying. Just because an individual contacts a provider and they say this, " U AVAILABLE, or 🌹 ROSES?" Does not mean that provider or let's go back to the analogy the Ritz-Carlton does not answer the phone or speak to a potential guest in that manner do they. In fact if you were to email the Ritz-Carlton about reservation they would say to you to please call about inquiry they'd have a better gauge or scope of what you would like your stay to be like because they're in the hospitality industry and they want to provide the very best service from start to finish I can't speak for all providers but I could speak for myself. So when you speak to somebody for 2 hours in the phone and engage in conversation with them and they render a time they would like to see you and you both agree upon that and you let them know no deposit required but if you do not show up and or have respect enough to reschedule when you do call you will be charged for the length of that actual appointment and when that person says haha not going to happen it's not okay because a small business of any size or any business for that matter starts with an individual it starts with a person unless providers are not people too do you understand I hope I made that clear without offending anybody or going against guidelines and hurting anybody's feelings because it's honest. The truth is not going to please everyone but it needs to be said and observed, at the very least respected.
  18. I loved humeniplex it is the best board in Southern California.
  19. Notably, we learn that we have 5 senses. Those being.. Taste, Touch, Sight, Sound, Smell. There should actually be an additional sense, that many do not have, "common sense". I have read numerous hobbyist contributions to the forums, regarding this generalize question or topic related question. " Who or where are the providers that do not rush appointments, adhere to the scheduled appointment times, value and respect the hobbyist time". or "I want a provider that wishes to establish chemistry, to mutually feel comfortable since we are about to embark upon intimate discussion, quality contributed to the time and the "taboo" of this particular requested, desired situation." Usually a combination of both, give or take. "WE" do exist! This aggravates me as a provider who encompasses the bounty of their requests. Not all providers are heathens, with the intent to have a turnstile within their confines. So to answer your question hobbyist, like I have stated numerous times within the forum if you are looking to buy an new Audi or better yet a Telsa on Colfax it is not going to happen. Common Sense. I wouldn't want to lose my ability to discern rational and logical thinking. I would want to lose any of the 5 senses listed above , before that happens, God Willing.
  20. Question: No Confirmation No Booking ?

    I am so apologetic, about the situation you placed in by a person whom has zero home training, respect for himself let alone that of another person. Silly me, I believed that we had a least one communal understanding better all across this platform. That there service requested, a service desired to be met, or quintessentially an order to be filled. Some have this crazy concept that just because the provider is an individual that there company, time obtained is a casual act like tinder or bumble. When that concept is absent from actual truth. My dating profile does not have an EIN or has an itemized ledgers exceptions for annual, required tax purposes.
  21. Question: No Confirmation No Booking ?

    Very informative topic, I couldn't agree more. Interesting for unfortunately a majority of persons whom may or may not be members on this site or others similar, have the impression that all providers are carbon copies of each other. That we as a collective are lying back on pillows throughout the day. Just waiting for the phone to vibrate or ring. Or the latter the hobbyist that presumes to negotiate, providing the narrative and details through the inital text (like we do not have a choice), the absolute worst scenario is to believe that a hobbyist position puts the provider at a disavantage. Well, this maybe redundant for those providers and/or hobbyists having additional private, advanced education. While in the pursuit, initial stages of negotiations, the first person to speak (talk), has already lost. Now this in the space of the site would be when a provider recieves correspondence, inquiry rom the hobbyist. So the advantage, choice to engage will always be contigent upon the provider. Sometimes the conditions, motives an individual has to pursue a path as a provider, is one to compliment the progressive interest alloted to there secondary, advanced education, actual career path. Separate, from the hobby. Duh!!
  22. Unless you have been living the last decade under a rock, I'm 99.5% sure we all know who Kim Kardashian is. With that being said, we also know that the majority of the Kardashian clan have more often then not been exposed on numerous platforms for their "Photoshop, Facetune Fails". Well its is not just limited to them. Gentlemen, Ladies, hobbyist and providers when did we become so unobservant? I ask this because while perusing the photo view of the listings, I noticed that the granulated, vignette, liquify, patch, smooth, and other various tools used to modify or enhance (saying the last term loosely) is often used within the recent provider photos. I have two that are glittered on the bottom edge of the photo, but have not altered my physicality (meaning my anatomy or facial features). I was literally laughing so hard when I felt as if I was 8 again with a Highlights Magazine looking for the spoon hidden within the trunk of a tree when coming across a providers listing. She literally defies the laws of physics, by having the wall next to her ass, bend as if it were the spoon in the Matrix. When then wanting to see if her other photos were also under the layer effects of photoshop or facetune, discovering that her Christian Louboutin heels a.k.a. RED BOTTOMS had a very visible defect. One shoe had a red soul and the other was black. Ms. Kardashian of TOB, please fire whoever is editing your photos, if anything ask for a retraction of payment. I am sure you are beautiful without the BS. All of the ladies and/or providers on this site are beautiful to those that inquire, correspond and engage with you. Beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder, so is your photoshop fails. These are an example of what Louboutins should, do look like.
  23. It honestly would be based not just on chemistry between myself and the hobbyist but also for me an ATF would have be respectful, not a client that when given the do's and don'ts either disregards or becomes absent minded of the conversation we had prior to meeting. They would have great hygiene, consinious to the intimacy that meeting anyone on or off the site would entail. Attractive to be honest, you can be "blessed" with some horsepower under the hood (if you know what I mean, lol) but look like you rolled out of bed and thought I am going to log on and expect the provider to look like this, provide this for this length, etc. etc. and not even try to meet the expectations you placed on the provider you wish to schedule or engage with. Conversation that is other than provocative is a plus, because a large majority of providers also want to enjoy the time you spend with them as well. With that all being said I have 2 ATF Hobbyist I have seen and would amicably engage with them outside of the nature of this hobby as friends, enjoying a baseball game or casual dinner.
  24. I Got Scammed

    My suggestion is also to corroborate the narrative that you were provided when she did respond, which was, "while traveling they had run into delays due to winter storms". If she is a provider with positive reviews and/or an established reputation on the site, managing to continue a open thread of conversation. Maintaining, good rapport within the community. I, am from Southern California, so when moving to Colorado a few years ago I had learne that there are late winter storms around the end of the winter solstice beginning of spring. Hopefully, she and her travel partner return in good health and cheer and you are able to reschedule with a better means of communication in the future.
  25. Hey ladies are any of you finding difficulties uploading photos to your gallery like I am? It won't let me upload and I have tried my PC, phone, macbook nothing. Tried to log back in and out nothing.